Swaping Giant Danios


Fish Fanatic
Feb 24, 2008
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I recently decided to take back my giant danios as they are getting to large for my 30 gal aquarium and also some of my tetras cause there needing to be in a school. I've looked into getting some white cloud moutain minnows as they are smaller and similar to the danios, but are they hardy? I have a 30 gal.,4 year old, tropical aquarium with 3 pearl gouramis, 5 aussie rainbowfish, 1 swordtail, 4 loachs, 2 otto's, and the danios. What would be some good alternatives besides danios that would get along? I'm also looking for somthing cheap in price cause I'm low on cash right now.
white clouds are tough little fish but live longer in cooler water. So keep the temperature below 26C if you want them to live for a while. Otherwise they can die of old age after a year or two. The adult rainbows and gouramis might have a go at them because they are small fish.

Some deeper bodied fish would be a better choice. Maybe some ruby barbs, black phantom tetras, a pr of bolivian rams.
white clouds are tough little fish but live longer in cooler water. So keep the temperature below 26C if you want them to live for a while. Otherwise they can die of old age after a year or two. The adult rainbows and gouramis might have a go at them because they are small fish.

Some deeper bodied fish would be a better choice. Maybe some ruby barbs, black phantom tetras, a pr of bolivian rams.

Won't the barbs bite at my gouramis? Cause there my favorite fish right now and I don't want anything to happen to them. I was starting to think I'll get 2 or 3 female swordtails for my male.
ruby barbs are not fin nippers
you can add some females for the male but he will probably chase them around everywhere trying to mate with them. If you have lots of plants in the tank there will be less issues with this.

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