Swallowing the water...



So it was inevitable, I suppose. I always get some aquarium water in my mouth when siphoning, but today I did the first tube and pipe clean of my new tank with an external filter.
I was struggling to get the water back through the inlet (I realise my mistake now and it won't be a problem again) and so resorted to a good old siphon - and gulped a good mouthful. The tank had had its first dose of dose of flubendazole for worms last Tuesday, and there is silver proteinate in there as a prophylactic for a guppy's torn tail, but other than that just the usual uneaten fish food and fish sh*t...
What can I look forward to?!
Probably not the healthiest thing to drink, but probably amounts to the carcinogens of a single cigarette or thereabouts so you should be fine I would think. Best to not make a habit of it :D

I always start my siphons with gravity (put enough of the tube in the tank to get it full of water, then just leave the tip in the water and let gravity do the suction part), maybe try that next time?
Fill the syphon hose with water and put your thumb over the end.
Put the gravel cleaner in the tank and fill that with water.
Put the hose end into a bucket and move your thumb.
water will then start syphoning by itself and you won't drink tank water.

Deworming products are pretty safe and a small mouthful is unlikely to kill any worms in you.

No idea what the silver stuff is so can't comment on that.

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