Survey for Economics


New Member
Apr 10, 2005
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United states Southern California
I have to set up a simple business plan for a small business project in my Economics class and i need to survey some would be coustomers thank you for your time.

Copy this to your response and type the letters of your answer.

Will’s Pets and Pet Supplies

1.What type of pet do you wish to own the most or currently or currently own?(Pick as many as you have or wish to have)
A. Dog Cat
B. Small mammal (Hamster, Ferret)
C. Reptiles (dry)
D. Reptiles (amphibious or Aquatic
E. Birds
F. Fish
G. Other_____________

2. Do you prefer locally bred pets or pets shipped from distant but just as reputable suppliers?
A. Local
B. Shipped
C. Insignificant

3.What importance does the location of the supplier to you on a scale of 1-5?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
F. 0

4.What type of promotion do you pay the most attention to?
A. Mailing list (sign up for at check out)
B. Adds in local newspaper
C. Adds on popular fish forums
D. Hand out papers at counter

5.What times are you most likely to visit your local Pet store?
A. 6-12 am
B. 12-4 pm
C. 4-7 pm
D. 7-10 pm

6.What day of the week would you most likely visit your local pet store?
A. Monday-Tuesday
B. Wednesday-Friday
C. Friday-Saturday
D. Sunday

7.What size aquarium do you own? (You can pick more than one)
A. 5 gallons or smaller
B. 5-10 gallons
C. 10-20 gallons
D. 20-55 gallons
E. 55 gallons and above

8.What is the most you would spend on a pet fish?(Fresh water)
A. $5.00
B. $10.00
C. $20.00
D. $50.00
E. $200.00

9.What is the most your willing to spend on a freshwater set up?(Tank, Filter, basic chemicals, test kit, Basic tools, gravel, decorations, lighting, hood, Live plants, live fish)
A. $50.00
B. $100.00
C. $250.00
D. $500.00
E. $1,000.00
F. $2,000.00

10.What is the most your willing to pay for a marine fish, invertebrates, or coral?
A. $20.00
B. $50.00
C. $200.00
D. $500.00

11.What is the most your willing to spend on a marine aquarium set up? (Everything equipment, live rock, fish, tank, chemicals, protein skimmer…)
A. $200.00
B. $500.00
C. $2,000.00
D. $5,000.00
E. $10,000.00

Thanks for your help
Ok, I'll start the ball rolling.
  1. A,B,C,D,E,F(fish!)
  2. C
  3. 4
  4. D
  5. B
  6. ANY
  7. A,B,C,D,E
  8. £200+
  9. £2000
  10. Not Applicable
  11. Not Applicable
There you are, enjoy.

Just a couple of points, as this is for a serious application:
  • Most questions don't have an 'OTHER/NOT APPLICABLE' option.
  • You seem to have forgotten that not everybody buys things wilh Dollars, this is the World Wide Web!
  • there are several spelling and grammar mistakes which you might want to correct before submitting this survey, the most common mistake is your use of your (possesive) when it should be you're (contraction of 'you are')
Good luck with the dissitation/project/termpaper or whatever this is for!
Here goes

1. A, F (fish)
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. D, E
8. D
9. E
10. C
11. C
1. A, C, D, F (Horse & Fish)
2. C
3. F
4. D
5. B
6. B
7. A, B, C
8. C
9. A
10. A
11. A
1. F (fish)
2. A
3. 3
4. D
5. C
6. A
7. B,C,D
8. C
9. D
10. - (don't keep saltwater)
11. - (don't keep saltwater)
1. A, F (Fish and horses)
2. C
3. C
4. D
5. A
6. C
7. A, B, C, D
8. C
9. D
10. N/A
11. N/A
1. A, B, E, F (fish, arachnids, exotic insects)
2. C
3. 3
4. D
5. D
6. C
7. A, B, D
8. B (if this means how much the fish itself costs)
9. C
10. n/a
11. n/a
1. A B C D E F (fish, pot-bellied pig,)

2. C

3. C

4. C

5. B

6. B

7. A B D

8. E

9. F

10. N/A

11. N/A
1. A D E F G(big freaking wolf spider I just caught lol)
2. C
3. 1 if it means most important...
4. B
5. B C D
6. E, All of the above
7. A B D
8. C
9. D, but it has to be a bigger sized tank.
10. N/A
11. N/A
1. A, C, F
2. A
3. 3
4. D
5. B
6. B
7. C, D, E
8. C
9. E
10. A (I would have selected none, if there was an option, since I don't plan on or keep marine)
11. A (same answer as above)

On the question 3, you should specify if 1 or 5 is the most important. I put three because it was in the middle and was unsure if 1 was most important or 5.

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