Surface plants suddenly babies.

OK. I did a water change today and took the opportunity to catch some fry to take to my lfs. I lost count how many were in the bag but it was a lot.

Got back home and had another look. It seems I have a lot more fry in there than i realised 😆 this may take a while.
Fry can hide really well...
Yeah…. Whenever my ladies blow a load I’m typically fishing out fry over at least 24 hours.

Depending on how crowded your tank is, guppies can give birth anywhere from 1-120 at once if conditions permit and if you have multiple pregnant guppies then those numbers stack.

My ladies average out 10-20 per batch, which is on the smaller side.

Good luck 👍

Where I typically find my fry to help you look: in the corners of the tank. Mostly at the top above thicker decorations or tangled in the duckweed roots. By the heater is also a popular spot. If you have pebble substrate be careful, because the fry can and will hide in the cracks and can be squished by accident. Some are along the bottom, but they’re always in the corners of the tank for some reason.

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