I've had exactly this situation (long story). What I did is add the fish, after a 75% w/c and do a 20% w/c at least once daily (depending on the results of a nitrite test). I added an air-stone for extra oxygen and fed the fish just enough to keep them alive (i.e. a couple of flakes or a couple of bits of bloodworm).
Basically, you are switching from fishless cycling to cycling with fish, so it will take about 4 weeks from this point to have the tank fully cycled. However, danios and bettas are pretty tough.
The main thing you have to worry about with bettas is that they get fin-rot when stressed. To avoid this risk, I suggest you add a prophylactic dose of Melafix (half a teaspoon in a tank that size, daily). That will keep the nasties at bay while the water quality gradually improves.
Also, take an old sock or pair of tights and stuff the end with gravel and, if you can get some, filter media from your main tank. This will help seed the new tank with beneficial bacteria faster. Put the sock/stocking near an air-stone or pump outlet (to keep the bacteria oxygenated). You can return the gravel and filter media to your main tank afterwards (but the sock probably won't survive).