*suprise* More Hedgehogs

Those are so cute I want me one now. I saw some yesterday at the pet store. Those pictures just about got me to get one of them..
thanks everyone for the NOMs :D , some of their eyes started opening today i'll get some pics when they open completely :D . Even i can't get over how cute they are :wub: and i love them to death, but they are very very messy :blink: . We talked to the pet store we got the mother(Chloe) from and they said they would buy the babies when they are 3 months old for $40, the funny thing is that we bought Chloe for $85. We still haven't dicided what we are going to do with them once they get older. :fun:
thanks everyone for the NOMs :D , some of their eyes started opening today i'll get some pics when they open completely :D . Even i can't get over how cute they are :wub: and i love them to death, but they are very very messy :blink: . We talked to the pet store we got the mother(Chloe) from and they said they would buy the babies when they are 3 months old for $40, the funny thing is that we bought Chloe for $85. We still haven't dicided what we are going to do with them once they get older. :fun:

I am thinking about getting a couple of hedgehogs. They sure are neat. My ex boyfriend had hedgehogs and they had babies. I think 5 but one died and then she got pregnant again after that.
That pic of the hedgehog in your hand wan't putting up for pet of the months it's georgous.
Interesting... I've never actually seen a baby hedgehog before. Do they have spikes? How are you holding them? Are your hands bleeding? :lol: JK. Congrads...

-Arrowhead ;)
O.K. i finally got some more pictures which was harder than i thought it would be. All there eyes have opened and they can even walk. It looks like they r drunk but they can walk :lol: . I think that the to white ones are girls and the two brown ones r boys. I hope that i'm right because i really want to keep one of the white ones :) and they r 22 days old today.

This one is my favorite she is the smallest but also the nicest :fun:

this is her again look at the red eyes they look so funny. :hyper:

This is one of the males the biggest one he also has the pointyest quills. He is on his back just completely rolled up into a spiky ball. Its really funny until they try to roll up around one of your fingers and it gets all poked and prickled. :blink: :crazy:

Same male as above just a few seconds later when he starts to unroll.

my little girl practicing walking :wub:
And thats all the pictures i have for now.
OOOO..Nice. So there hair arent thorns. I get porkupines mixed up with your babies. LOL... :lol: I see that your hands arent bleeding. Thats good. Really cute hedgehogs. I like the one on its back.

-Arrowhead. :D
As adults, are they pets you can play with? I know nothing about hedgehogs but they seem like a great alternative to a hamster.

Edited to say:
I took one of your pictures and made it the desktop background on my laptop, hope you don't mind but I love them! They are so friggin' cute
Yeah you can play with them when they are adults, most r friendly but sometimes u can come across a mean one. but they are nocturnal so u have to keep in mind that they probably won't enjoy it if you wake them up to much during the day. Chloe the mother gets really crabby :grr: if u wake her up in the middle of the day but she is perfectly fine if u wake her up around 5pm. And they will be up all night running around my brother slept in the basement for a week because she was so loud running on her wheel. So we moved her downstairs which worked out great. Also like most animals it's not going to like u at first u have to give them sometime to adjust and get to know u. They do have sharp teeth and can bite, chloe has only biten people 3 times me once my brother 2 times. Two of these were with the first 2 weeks we had her and once when her babies were around a week old, both understandable reasons. They r very mess because they go to the bathroom as they run around and if they r on a wheel u can probably figure out what happens. So if u can deal with the mess it makes they r great adoribale pets. That r super super cute and even though they have sharp pointy quills they can be quiet cuddly :D .
I'd like to nominate the male unrolling in your hand for POTM, I hope it gets a second nomination. What a gorgeous picture.

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