Always Watching
Wedenday we got a very big and unexpected suprise! My brother went to play with his hedgehog Chloe and 5 minutes later came walking downstairs and said that Chloe had had babies . At first i thought he was just joking around like he normally does but then he called the petstore that he got her from and told them the same thing. I only completely belived him when he pointed 1 of them out that was hidden under a blanket. I probably should of been really excited but i was just really confused . We had no idea that she was pregenant and the pet store told us that she was too young to have babies. Also add on the fact that he has only had her for a little over a month. Today we did a head count and she has 5 little babies the petstore said that no one should touch them for two weeks. So far the mom is doing good and is very protective of her babies, so hopefully they we grow up to be healthy hedgehogs .