Supraking's First Tank

look at the black line. It's not a single straight line, like it is on the otto and the siamese flying fox. It's the same, almost chequered line on the CAE.
damn, my salt has anti-caking agents :(
and yes it does look more like the CAE:( looks like its gotta go. and no im not adding any more until things have settled down and the cycle has finished, dont want to destroy the lives of any more poor fishies,
also decided im going to change my lfs. the one i got them from so far seems crap (no knowladge of what their on about) and by the looks of things like passing diseases round. now its either a stuck up pain in the neck, a lovely pet store just starting out with fish or a 20mile round trip to one my mate has recomended
look at the black line. It's not a single straight line, like it is on the otto and the siamese flying fox. It's the same, almost chequered line on the CAE.

yeah sadly i think your right fella, think i need some new glasses!!
well my last neon popped it last night :( left with the loach (which needs to go) the scissortail and the molly, all seem fine at the moment tho so i get paid tomoz getting test kit and ich med hopefully well get things sorted:)
Neons shouldn't really be added until a tank has fully cycled and matured. I wouldn't replace them for at least 5-6 weeks.

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