Supporting Tank Underneath


Fish Crazy
Sep 10, 2007
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Now that we've got our shiney new tank set up, I've noticed that it's ever so slightly wider than our old one, meaning the back of the tank hangs slightly over the edge of the table by about 1-2cm.
Since the glass bottom of the tank is held off the table by the plastic surround, is it important that all 4 sides are supported? I don't want to put stress on the glass and end up with an underwater living room!

I guess the quick fix is to buy a piece of wood to go between the tank and the table and keep the tank supported completely.

I would definately recomend putting a piece of plywood or furniture board cut to the size of the base underneath the tank to support all the weight. I had a 25g which didnt quite fit onto the base i put it on and over hung at the back by a couple of inches, everything was fine but when i moved the tank i discovered a hairline crack in the base glass all the way along the length of the tank where the over hang was. It never leaked but a crack is always a disaster waiting to happen.
Piece of 15mm chipboard installed, just to be on the safe side!
Piece of 15mm chipboard installed, just to be on the safe side!

It is common that common sense, commonly solves most common problems ;)
Just remember though, any manufactured board (especially MDF) can be prone to swelling when it gets wet, this can also weaken it. Just get some waterproof varnish and paint it. I did this with my fish tank stand, and so far, not a problem what so ever!

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