heh, yeah look up the contact number and call them. Here's their price list, down at the botto of the left column you see "one wennerae mantis shrimp delivered to your door". You can order from the website, but TBSW works much better from the phone 
If you do go with a mantis shrimp, I'd make it more of a species only tank cause mantids will eventually eat any small fish you have in there with it. they are predators afterall. You can have lots of corals in there though which combined with the intelligence of the shrimp are the two main allures of such a setup.
If you do go with a mantis shrimp, I'd make it more of a species only tank cause mantids will eventually eat any small fish you have in there with it. they are predators afterall. You can have lots of corals in there though which combined with the intelligence of the shrimp are the two main allures of such a setup.