Super-aggressive Crowntail.


Fish Crazy
Apr 22, 2006
Reaction score
Snowflake, Arizona, USA
Recently, I noticed my dad's crowntail that I bought for him a week or so ago was bubblenesting under a leaf that happened to be on the surface of his tank (I'd just turkey-bastered the poo out of the tank, so the water was low enough). So I thought I'd stick a styrofoam cup in there for him.

He hasn't stopped attacking it. I don't know if it's because there's a little red on it, or if he's just really pissy.

Anyone else have this problem? How'd you fix it?
:grr: It is obvious..he is a male and so he is showing off making a bubble nest...he knows that the cup means he might have to breed and he dont like girls and he is all bluff...easy peasy! :p
Hahaha! That may be. He's always flaring at me and my mom when we look into the tank, but not so much for my dad or brother. Hmmm. . . .
CTs are gumpy little devils :lol:

He's just showing his attitude but might be good to take it out so he doesn't stress himself out too much :dunno:
Yeah, it's out. I even tried to introduce it in the dark, hoping he'd get used to it that way, but no deal. It's either his way or no way at all. :X

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