Sunken betta eyes

I've never done salt water baths.
I've always been chicken to do it.

Could I just add salt to his tank?
Would that be as effective???
I've never liked adding salt to betta tanks, unless it is in teeeensy-eeeensy amounts. It does have some healing effects, but it raises the hardness of the water too much (IMO). I started adding salt to my betta's tank when he was looking a little down and he just got worse. When I removed the salt he perked up quite a bit. The reason I suggested short salt-water baths is because it's a quick way to expose them to the healing nature of salt without the long-term risk of hard, alkaline water.
Allrighty -
so - what's the best way to do it?
Like what kind of container and what concentration??

Does the water need to be warmer than normal?
I think a half gallon container is a good size to use. It allows the fish some room to swim around so that they don't get overly stressed. Here is a good link for "fish baths" in general. You might try some of the other med baths as well as the salt. Just watch him the entire time to make sure he is okay.
Is it a pinkish patch as this is columnaris.
Yep - it's a pinkish patch.

MAN this poor fish.

I'll research that tonight.
He's being treated w/Maracyn Two - so i'll read up and see if that treats Colum.... (what you said)

Well I bailed on the Maracyn Two and now i'm trying a 7 day dose of BettaFix. I have also moved him so he'll be a few degrees warmer.

Hopefully we're now on the right track to some sort of stable health for him.

Maracyn 2 should be fine, but they are stronger antibiotics out there.
Yeah, I tried the Maracyn Two for 5 days but it didn't seem to be doing anything.

Upon the recommendation of my lfs I changed out his water and am now using BettaFix. I am dosing up Amos with it, too. We'll see what happens.

Something's bound to work sooner or later.
Harvey's fins are looking remarkably better, after only 2 days' treatment w/BettaFix. They're forming solid edges and the gathered part of the end is starting to heal up also. I can also tell he's happy about it - REALLY happy. He flaunts and flares around like NObody's business. He's such a showboater... I also put him up on top of the entertainment center so when everyone's staring at the tv he thinks we're all looking at him and LOVES it. :shifty: heh heh -Not to mention he's a few degrees warmer so that's adding to his happiness.

I haven't noticed any change in the curliness of the top fin, but I guess it's still really early.
As long as it's not the tv as when you turn the tele off its gives them electric shock and they die, glad he is on the mend.
Going on day 5 of the treatment, and his fins are slowly improving. - it sort of looks like his facial swelling has gone down a bit too, because his eyes are becoming a little bit more prominent on his face.
Keep your fingers crossed!!

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