Sunfish Id


Fish Connoisseur
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Long island, New York

They look like green sunfish, but I'm really not too sure. They are about 2"-3" long (6 juvies), being kept in a 30g until we can figure out what to do with them in the long run :)

My apologies for the state of the tank, for a while there were a bunch of nannacara (being raised, not really a show tank) and a LOT of java moss in there (at least two pounds), so it is very green right now :p I hope the picture is clear enough, these are very active fish being photographed with a new camera, the combination makes for bad pictures :lol:
yea those look like green sunfish we have alot of those around here if u do a lake tank they look good in it plus they very active
Yes those look like green sunfish. Be carefull when selecting tankmates for them, they can be quite aggressive. I used to have one in my goldfish tank, but had to take him out after he attacked a couple of the goldfish.
I was told these should be kept in a large pond and can be kept with other pondfish as long as they have enough room.

p.s. you wont need the heater for those fish.

edit: I just found a picture of mine, he is hiding in the back


  • 03618002b.jpg
    52.9 KB · Views: 55
dwarfs look like green sufish. but pauls looks like a north american rock bass. can you send me a clear upclose pic so i can look at it. i no these fish they are native where i live.
Sorry, thats the only picture I have of him. I just looked it up in my diary, the one in my picture is a Lepomis gibbosus (Pumpkinseed Sunfish)


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