after some advice from a local reefer, i started my own mangrove colony in my sump. I just poked some holes in a 1/2" styrafoam block and fed the stems through so the roots are constantly submerged and the stems/leaves stay dry. I have read that mangroves make good filters, similar to protein skimmers (go ahead, bash), and do not require much light to thrive! has been doing research with mangroves in reef tanks for quite awhile now as some of you are probably is a link to their article:http/
here are some pics i took, i plan to raise the light fixture a bit in the sump and shift it back so it reaches the mangroves better; let me know your thoughts!
here are some pics i took, i plan to raise the light fixture a bit in the sump and shift it back so it reaches the mangroves better; let me know your thoughts!