Sumo loaches with corys and others?


New Member
Mar 9, 2025
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Hey all, I joined this in hope I could have some quick answers since there's limited information I could find online about sumo loaches. I've had tanks for years and saw these at the shop and thought that they are relatively similar to other loaches I've had and i got told that they're peaceful etc. I have a 65 litre tank with half being wood and the other open space. (I was planning on moving him to my 130 litre when he got bigger). I have a few Gertrude rainbowfish, a male apisto, a pleco, 2 gobies and 2 corrydoras elegante. Now, I added the sumo and he's gone, under wood or rocks not too sure but he's definitely hidden. I've now read about sumo loaches being massive bullies to corys and I'm panicking I can't lie. I brought one which is about 5cm who was in a tank with Gertrude rainbowfish, panda garras and chilli rasboras. Is there a possibility I will have to destroy my tank to remove him or will he be a peaceful tankmate?
I think you nailed it, Sumo Loaches can be unpredictable in community tanks, Your Corydoras are at the highest risk. Be prepared to remove the loach if it shows aggression. It's common for new loaches to hide when introduced to a new tank. Until it establishes, it might be peaceful, but that may change afterward.

Catching a loach in a heavily decorated tank can be very difficult :fish:
I think you nailed it, Sumo Loaches can be unpredictable in community tanks, Your Corydoras are at the highest risk. Be prepared to remove the loach if it shows aggression. It's common for new loaches to hide when introduced to a new tank. Until it establishes, it might be peaceful, but that may change afterward.

Catching a loach in a heavily decorated tank can be very difficult :fish:
Ughh I hate myself for this, thanks a bunch. I have an 80 litre with a mix of corys so if needs be since they set at the front, I'll just quickly grab them and move them across for a temporary fix and then destroy my tank and remove the loach haha. Thank you though.
Since they are "Unpredictable", you could wait, and watch closely your cories for sign of distress... And be ready to move them.

Since it's alone it might not be as confident as part of a group and have a complete different output in longer term.

But their boisterous behaviors are not always welcome to similar dwelling fishes, even more with those with the same shape.

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