Summer time

ive done a water change and its still getting hotter! My poor babies look roasting!lol
My tanks getting too hot too. Damn heat. I've turned off the light the last 2 days and it's still verging to 30degrees. My lil one is looking a lil unhappy about it too. -_- Surely there's a good way to keep it cool? It doesn't get hit by any direct sunlight and the window is as open as possible. Even doing lil water changes hasn't made much difference and I daren't put in anything too cold in it with a baby plattie present. :/
Yeah i have a baby Molly and it doesnt look too happy either. i have turned the heater off to see if its cooled down and its gone down about 2 degrees. if it gets too cold though im going to turn it back on.
This is the first time that I have been pleased I live in a freezing cold flat, my tank has only gone up 1 degree C today. I would say leaving the lights off on the tank might help for anyone having problems with the heat. Maybe those of you having problems could put a bag of frozen peas or something on the hood, if it isn't too thick the cold might radiate down a bit. Its a long shot but might be worth a try!!!
I leave all my heaters in and on. They are set at temperatures between 26 and 28 degrees. If the tank heats up higher than that, the heaters automatically switch off. If it drops below that, it comes on again.
Most heaters have auto sensors that will switch on and off when neccesary.
My heater does that but it just doesnt seem to work with this type of weather because the weather is constantly heatin the tank up and the heater is turning off all the time so i just thought i mightaswell turn it off but its back on now because its gone a bit chiller.

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