New Member
I bought my first albino cory (Chowder) about 8 weeks ago. He started out very active...swimming like a mad and now he rests under a plant or in the cave. I added another albino (Buttercup) about two weeks ago so he'd have a friend. This one is small compared to Chowder. The new one is a crazy swimmer and never rests. At feeding she gets to the algae wafer first and nibbles and pushes it around until it is gone. I see little pieces break off but I think she gets most of it. Could the other cory (Chowder) be pouting because the new one is such a pig about food? They spend some time together swimming and bumping into each other but mostly he hides. I've noticed he's more active in the morning and when the aquarium lights are off. He has moments where he swims like a rocket to the surface and then back to the bottom again. Sometimes he looks like he's rolling in the sand when he reaches the bottom. Very strange and erratic swimming but I love to watch them.