Fish Addict
I have decided to set my 100 litre tank up for shell dwellers, i will also be keeping some halfbeaks which will occupy the upper regions of the tank and act as dither fish for the shell dwellers. (Post which led to this decision can be seen here )
My first question is what species of shell dweller would you reccomend? Lamprologus Occelatus seem nice...
My second question is how many males and how many females could i have in that tank once they have paired up?
For substrate i shall use crushed coral sand. What would be the best type of shells to use?
I have decided to set my 100 litre tank up for shell dwellers, i will also be keeping some halfbeaks which will occupy the upper regions of the tank and act as dither fish for the shell dwellers. (Post which led to this decision can be seen here )
My first question is what species of shell dweller would you reccomend? Lamprologus Occelatus seem nice...
My second question is how many males and how many females could i have in that tank once they have paired up?
For substrate i shall use crushed coral sand. What would be the best type of shells to use?