Suitable Hospital/quarantine Tank

David J

Nov 18, 2012
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East Lothian, Scotland

I am looking into getting a basic small tank to use as a hospital or quarantine tank. My intention is not to have it running constantly but to store it and bring it put when required. I have extra mature media in my external that I would put in the filter for the small tank so cycling wouldn't be an issue. Space is a problem for me so I can't go any bigger than I have to. The 2 tanks linked below would fit nicely in an available space I have but I am concerned they may not be suitable. My main tank and stock is in my sig and I don't intend on getting any bigger fish than are already in their.

Let me know what you all think of these and if you have any other thoughts on size or specific tanks to recommend.

Thank you,

I would say those are pretty small, and more than I would pay for a tank that wont be on display. I would say 10 gallons (~38 litres) is an ideal hospital/QT tank, the last thing you want with a.sick/recovering fish is fluctuating water conditions, of course if you don't have space for a tank that size then any QT is better than allowing a sick fish to infect your entire tank.
I use a plastic storage container that originally held ~100l (approx. 65x35x45cm), a Juwel Korall60 54l (60x30x30cm), an Aqua One 620T 130l (~62x39x55cm).
Why not just use a big bucket that's 5 gallons, (10 would be great). If you buy a food safe one they're fairly cheap at 20$. For a filter you could make your own and then put the mature media in whenever you have a fish going in.

Thanks to everyone for the replies.

I probably knew my suggestions were too small but I really am limited for space. Managing to get somewhere for my display tank was hard enough. But like freshwater afishianado said, any QT tank is better than no QT tank so i will go as big as I can. I really wouldn't want to use a bucket or a plastic storage container. Although they would do the trick, I would ideally want to be able to observe the occupants easily otherwise it will be difficult to tell how they are doing. Thank you for the suggestions though.

Kirkyarcher, that tank looks ideal. I think I will go into the store and have a look. When I do get up and running, I intend on using some extra mature media that I have stored in my external just now. When I shut the QT tank down I will add some more new media to my external so that it will be mature by the next time I use it.



I've nearly settled on a quarantine tank. I quite fancied the one Kirkyarcher recommended but pets at home do another one which is the same size (19L) but is glass and comes with a light and filter but it is £45. I can't provide a link to it cos its not on their website but it is basically the same size as the £22 one.

I have a couple of questions before taking the plunge.

1/ I am about to upgrade my heater for my display tank therefore thinking i will use my current one in the QT. it is a 100w heater. I know that is way too much for such a little tank but I figure because it runs on a thermostat it'll still be ok. Is there any reason I can't use that heater?

2/ The £45 QT tank comes with one of those tiny little filters. Has anyone any experience of these? Will it suffice for QT purposes? I have my old fluval U2 filter that I could use instead but it wil be big for the small tank. What would you recommend?


Just my thoughts again, for a hospital/quarantine tank why pay more for glass?  Will your 100w heater actually fit in the QT tank? Large heaters will be OK in smaller tanks switching off when reaching set temps, smaller heaters will need to run for longer periods of "on" time. Tiny filter supplied is just about useless for all but clearing larger debris little or no biological function good point is the venturi aeration nozzle that really helps oxygenate the water without additional air pump. U2 filter much more suitable after all it's a QT tank it's intrusiveness is not really at the top of the importance list 
Hi kirky,


Re: why pay more to get glass? I've priced up all the stuff I need to buy and if buying the plastic one with everything else I need, it comes to £40. If I get the glass me and all the same stuff I need, it comes to £50. You get a light with the glass one but not withthe plastic one so that's a saving so I'd happily pay another £10 for a better tank.

I'll need to confirm if the heater will fit in. I'm getting one of those Fluval E heaters. Neither of the tanks come with a heater so I will use my current heater in the QT tank once I have the new one. I'll definately use the U2 filter.
I'm in the plastic storage box camp. If I have tanks I tend to put fish in them. Can't help myself.
The storage box though also holds the spare kit when it's not in use. They also stack and don't count as tanks when your other half starts counting them.
Hi DrRob,

Your way is certainly a practical one but I also have to consider my better halves wishes. If I'm to have a QT tank it needs to look nice. I also feel you can observe the fish better in a proper tank too.

Looks like it'll be about 4 weeks until I have everything I need.

Oh, I have tanks like that as well. It's the OH who then moaned about there being empty fish tanks about and when was I going to put something in them......and I wonder why I have MTS.
David, I bought two second hand ~10 gallon tanks off ebay for less than £20 each.  I use one for QT/hospital and it stays in my garage when not being used for those things.  The other is now my fry tank.
I didn't care about looks when I bought my QT tank.  All I cared about was that it came with the equipment I needed.  I ended up with a garish pink Aquastart 320.  I don't really mind because it's only intended to be for emergency use, the colour is an incentive for me to keep it for its intended use as emergencies only because I don't want to look at it :p
The fry tank I wanted to look good because it will be a long term setup and I thought I might use it for shrimp or microfish afterwards.  I went for an Arcadia Arc 35 and managed to get one locally for just £16.  I think it's a gorgeous tank with an open top feel to it (it comes with a glass lid) and looks really stylish.  Looks great on my kitchen worktop.

Ok, I have my QT tank. Went for the cheaper plastic one in the end because the glass one got recalled due to a fault of some kind. Glad I put off for ages. Lol.

I have one last question. I think I know the answer. I have the tank, filter, heater etc. I have spare mature media in my external which I will put in the filter for the QT tank. If I put it in and get it running, am I cycled fully and ready to go?

My intention is to get it running and test the water anyway but I was just wondering. I'm hoping to bring in some pandas this weekend to bring the numbers up again.



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