Suitable home for a Betta?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
South Florida
I've always been facinated by Bettas and may get one some day. For now I just have a question since I don't know much about the care of a Betta. While visiting my cousin last week I noticed a very pretty plant on her kitchen table. It was in a clear vase with the roots of the plant floating in water and the leaves sticking up through the top of the vase. (I think it may have been some sort of lily?) Anyway, swimmimg just below the roots of this plant was a betta. Is this a suitable way to keep a betta? I know they are confined to those small cups at the lfs but isn't this too small of a space?
as long as there's water a betta would probably survive he might not look too happy but even if you let them out of the water they still would last a lot longer than any tropical fish....
The vase is fine, but I'd take the plant out of there.
i can't remember who it was (martha stewart?) that thought it would be a good idea to put a peace lily with a betta but they are NOT compatible.
bkk_group said:
i can't remember who it was (martha stewart?) that thought it would be a good idea to put a peace lily with a betta but they are NOT compatible.
It was that is not suitable.
If they are giving it regular water changes, feeding it, and making sure his happy then it should be ok. Although, I think that the lilly should be taken out, and preferably a nicer environment to be given to him.
Thanks for the replies. I didn't think her set up seemed like a good idea. She is kind of a Martha Stewart type so she probably did get the idea from her.
Actually the plant in a vase of water is a VERY common set up for bettas. Unfortunately, it is usually a HORRIBLE idea, as the stores will advertise that the betta survives by eating the roots of the plant, and that water changes aren't necessary because the plant eats the betta waste. THIS IS A LIE.

Her set up seems fine to me as long as she is doing 100% water changes weekly, and feeding the betta the proper amount and types of foods. I don't know about the compatibility of the type of plant, but if bkk says that's not a good combo, it's probably not a good combo. But there are plants out there that would work for this kind of thing.
My neighbor had a huge vase with some bamboo and a betta. I've had bettas on and off for years, and this was by far the largest I've EVER seen. He's going strong @ 3 1/2 years. She takes great care and feeds live foods. I've never thought a betta should live in a bowl, but this set up made me think.
I dont agree putting Bettas in vases, it cruel and your beta will almost get diseased without maintaing a proper temp..

A small plastic tank - 5-10 litres, with a 25 watt heater would be a perfect home your betta accompied by a small potted plant to rest on ;)
I had a betta in a vase with a first betta...I knew I had to feed him and he wouldn't live off the roots and all that,but when I was at work,his fins got tangled in the roots and he was unable to reach the surface for air and he drowned. :-( Very bad idea IMO. :no:
Yeah thats the other thing, you have to maintain the roots as well, and make sure there is plenty of access to the surface air.

I dont agree putting Bettas in vases, it cruel and your beta will almost get diseased without maintaing a proper temp..

Some homes don't require heaters in their tanks. :) All of my bettas have 76-78 degree water year round. In Arizona that is the temperature most houses are kept at.!!!!!!!!!..........LOL :p
at zellers there was a giant rum glass it was about 1.5 ft tall and 1 ft wide it was neat i think a betta would look good in it

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