Suitable Fertilizer


Fish Fanatic
Jul 1, 2007
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My planted aquarium has the following plants: amazon sword, jungle vals, java moss, ludwigia, hornwort, cabomba. These have been in my tank for about a month and a half so i'm sure they have now depleted their nutrients that they had stored. i do not have a CO2 BTW. So i was thinking of getting a fertilizer suitable and was amazed at the choices that they had. So which product do u think best suits my needs. I particularly was biased towards Flourish Excel as it seemed to provide Carbon that my plants can obtain but i decided to not buy it then and there as i would like some input from you planted folks. Thanks, UN321
Excel is a replacement for CO2, its not a fert per se. I would highly recommend tropica plant nutrition. If you get the 'plus' version is contains pretty much everything your plants need. Or you could get seachem flourish, that's also a 'complete' fert.

Id reccommend tatra plants plantamin used together with api root tabs. Id swear by it. Pop these in your aguarium and there will be no stopping your plants! :rofl:

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