Suitable Bottom Feeder

My daughter picked out a golden Dojo Loach for her tank.  It's an Awesome fish. Active at any time of the day and kind of cute.  we love Loachy he likes to swim around the tank. He will hang out in plants just chilling. Most of the time he is on the bottom of the tank looking for snacks. 
I have cory cats and love them too but this loach has really grown on me. Loachy is one of my favorite bottom feeding fish. Only second to my delhezi bichir.  
We need more specifics to give any meaningful advice, such as...
Tank dimensions
Numbers of each species
As a general comment, your mix of fish is combining "temperate" (Gold/Chinese Barbs; Zebra Danios) with "mainstream tropical," the barbs and danios will live shortened lives if kept permanently in tropical temperatures of ~24C.
You might not be seeing much of the "Kuhli" Loaches (probably Pangio semicincta) because of a group of <10, not enough hiding options scattered around the tank floor, larger zippy tankmates.
1x common plec (please remember this poor guy has barely grown in the years I have had him.)
5x pangio kuhlii (from a shop I trust to have got this right.
8x zebra danios
13x black neon tetras
5x gold barbs
4x kribensis

Filtered on a tetra tec ex1200
Temp 23-24 degrees
~300micron black sand substrate
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate <=10ppm at its highest. Misplaced kg/gh test kits so have not measured these in the last year.
Excluding the plec, you have in excess of 160cm of adult fish in a ~177l tank. Including the plec (which will be far bulkier, you could probably fit your Black Neons and Zebra danios inside its body volume) at its current size, you basically have >1cm per 1litre of water long term (or at least you should have if they get enough food and the large frequency plus quantity water changes such a tank needs).
IMO this tank stocking needs spitting into two tanks of at least the current size, it could well be why you have a 4 year old "common plec" that is just ~15cm long.
It is not the greatest of comparisons, but I bought a thin ~5cm SL (excluding tail fin) Giraffe Catfish in September 2012, this fish is now the rough girth of a 50p coin and ~17cm SL having grown up in two of my 4-foot tanks. When I'm holiday from next Saturday afternoon, I will be moving this catfish to my African 6-footer (~181x43.5x38cm) during a bit of "fish juggling," where I'm expecting it to exceed the length of my ~tennis ball girthed 22cm SL Synodontis notata before the end of 2013.
The 6-footer currently holds a moderate number of fish, but it does only hold ~300l of water...
1x ~22cm SL Synodontis notata
4x ~11cm SL Euchilichthys spp.
3x ~12cm SL Synodontis brichardi
3x 8/6cm SL Steatocranus casuarius
9-12x ~2cm SL Steatocranus fry
This is a current stock from combining two tanks right now. The plec was previously homed in another 4' with just the danios & the kribs for the last 4 years. The guy i took him from reckoned he had him 2-3 years, but in a 2' tank with decaying fish as their food supply :(

I have allowed for overstocking in the overall tank due to the extremely high filtration I have in the tank, which also adds water volume and the tank receives two 25-30% changes weekly. The mix of bottom/middle/top (well the danios at the top, the black neons like the middle to top, the kribs and the barbs like to hover middle and bottom) and tight schooling nature of the neons & the danios are the reasons I have considered something else for crawling the bottom of the tank.

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