

Fish Crazy
Jan 23, 2008
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Well I have my new Tank 20 gal Iam going to go set it up read all the stuff that came with it and leave it to cycle. If anyone has any ideas about stocking it would appreciate them. The only thing I will be putting in is my Dwarf frog Harold. Id like smaller and some colorful fish. Thanks Pat :lol:
Just to confirm, it is an African Dwarf frog, not a Clawed frog? The later will make mixing difficult, and it is important that you tell us accurately. The latter have clawed frong feet, the dwafs have webbed feet :good: How are you planning to cycle? Remember that leaving the tank to sit is doing nothing toward cycling. [topic="113861"]This thread[/topic] will give you the correct methord of cycling, that myself and others would higly recoment you follow. The two main advantages of this type of cycle, is that there is little work, and no risk to your fish. The methords of cycling usualy outlined in tank documentation usualy put the lives of the fish at risk, in the hope of increasing sales :sad:

For dwarf frogs in a 20g, and colourful, you may consider neon or cardinal tetras. The latter are more hardy, but both can be sencitive. There are a multitude of tetras out there,, many of which would be ideal candidated. The best thing you can do realy, is have a look arround your LFS, and come back here with that list, so that we can say what is most compatible. If the frog you have is a clawed one, the only thing you can realy mix with it in that size tank, would be other clawed frogs :good:

Just to confirm, it is an African Dwarf frog, not a Clawed frog? The later will make mixing difficult, and it is important that you tell us accurately. The latter have clawed frong feet, the dwafs have webbed feet :good: How are you planning to cycle? Remember that leaving the tank to sit is doing nothing toward cycling. [topic="113861"]This thread[/topic] will give you the correct methord of cycling, that myself and others would higly recoment you follow. The two main advantages of this type of cycle, is that there is little work, and no risk to your fish. The methords of cycling usualy outlined in tank documentation usualy put the lives of the fish at risk, in the hope of increasing sales :sad:

For dwarf frogs in a 20g, and colourful, you may consider neon or cardinal tetras. The latter are more hardy, but both can be sencitive. There are a multitude of tetras out there,, many of which would be ideal candidated. The best thing you can do realy, is have a look arround your LFS, and come back here with that list, so that we can say what is most compatible. If the frog you have is a clawed one, the only thing you can realy mix with it in that size tank, would be other clawed frogs :good:

yes he is a dwarf frog webbed feet ,Id like to get another one but dont know how to sex them will do more reserch . I have read the pinned articles on cycling and also have gottten some advice on this forum. I bought the kits and everything for testing and Iam not rushing anything just taking my time. thank you for the suggestions I do like tetras
livebeares e.g guppies platys, these are colurful. and maybe add a few nice tetras once the tank matures
:good: When I had dwarf frogs they always did better by themselves. They were very playful. When I did put some fish in there they hid more and didn't play as much. I would put your dwarf frog with one other in a 5 gallon and use the 20 gallon as a community tank. Good luck! [/color]
Options, however Im not suggesting adding all these they are just options.

Cherry barbs –very pretty and fast moving fish.
Glow light tetras
Neon Tetras
With regards to fish any small community fish is fine. But 1st I'd recommend getting more ADFs they're far happier when they have friends and are lots of fun to watch them interact.

I had 2 and they spent all their time together!

Good luck

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