Suggestions Please!


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2012
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would you think it would be okay to only clean your tank when it needs it? meaning... i planned on doing a 40 percent change every week.. but now that my water stays really clear.. also i am able to see up under my tank and see how much waste is lying on the bottom ( and i keep up on that daily .. ) sometimes it seems like i can just go for a week and a half maybe even longer .. is that a bad thing? or should i just do a religious weekly change??
its the stuff you can't see thats the problem. weekly changes are very important
A water change gets rid of the nitrates which can build up and be harmfull to fish. Some fish are more sensitive than others.

Also if you have plants it re-supplies minerals which they need.
May appear clean but you have to do it so the nitrates don't build up and hurt the fish. Also I heard the water changes benefit not just the fish but plants as well since you are providing clean water while taking out those nitrates. You don't have to do 40% weekly either, war easier sticking to around 25% which is enough.
Backing up what other people have said. Fish can die in perfectly clear water and thrive in dark, murky water. How clear the water is is no indication of how clean it is for fishkeeping purposes.

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