Suggestions On New Tank!


New Member
Jan 12, 2008
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hi all, to put it bluntly my tank cracked at 4.30am today and water went everywhere, managed to save fish but i am now looking for a new tank pronto!

I am looking for around 110 litre or so and would be grateful if ppl have any tanks in mind, it has to leak proof, FOR EVER :) as i am very nervous as you would expect from last night!

Thanks in advance all,
Sorry to hear about your tank mis-hap, but I'm glad the fish survived!

Juwel's and AquaOne are my recommendations - never had a problem with their tanks.. however if yours was one of them.. then I apologise.

You may want to check into what caused the tank to crack in the first place, too.. maybe the stand was under too much stress or wasn't fitted together properly (i.e. a loose screw or something), uneven floor, etc.? Problems like this can take quite a long time to eventually weaken the glass enough to cause it to break. Bear this in mind before putting a new tank on it (that's if the stand withstood all the water, and hasn't absorbed any of it, which could rot it inside if it's wood)..
You may want to check into what caused the tank to crack in the first place, too.. maybe the stand was under too much stress or wasn't fitted together properly (i.e. a loose screw or something), uneven floor, etc.? Problems like this can take quite a long time to eventually weaken the glass enough to cause it to break. Bear this in mind before putting a new tank on it (that's if the stand withstood all the water, and hasn't absorbed any of it, which could rot it inside if it's wood)..


I had a tank on a slightly too small stand without realising, it was literally overhanging by about 2/3mm and over time it wore and cracked out of the blue one day. tank itself was sound, just it being on the wrong stand buggered it up.

what's your budget for the new tank?
You may want to check into what caused the tank to crack in the first place, too.. maybe the stand was under too much stress or wasn't fitted together properly (i.e. a loose screw or something), uneven floor, etc.? Problems like this can take quite a long time to eventually weaken the glass enough to cause it to break. Bear this in mind before putting a new tank on it (that's if the stand withstood all the water, and hasn't absorbed any of it, which could rot it inside if it's wood)..


I had a tank on a slightly too small stand without realising, it was literally overhanging by about 2/3mm and over time it wore and cracked out of the blue one day. tank itself was sound, just it being on the wrong stand buggered it up.

what's your budget for the new tank?

The joints need the most support!
Hey all, i ended up getting a jewel 96 and i have it placed on a study chest of drawers, i think the other tank didnt crack bu the silicone wore down, i know if silicon is wet and then dried for ages and then wet again can cause mega problems and i inherited it as a second hand dried out tank so there we go! Lesson learned and have a nice new leak proof tank with an internal filter, i love it already and so do my hardy very hardy, little green barbs!


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