Suggestions On Fish To Help Control Breeding Molly's

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Jul 8, 2014
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As I've quickly come to find out, the molly's we got a few months ago breed like crazy 
 I have two tanks, a 55G and 35G, and have tried to separate male molly's and female molly's, but the 55G is still being overrun with molly fry. 

In the 55G tank right now is one female adult platy, one female adult molly, and maybe 20 or so molly fry and that number seems to keep growing. I'm looking for suggestions on a community fish that won't bother the adults, but will eat the fry as I really don't want an exponentially growing molly force.

My 35G tank has two adult male molly's and 4 adult male platy's. If anyone has suggestions on catfish or some bottom-feeders for either tank as well, I was maybe looking to add those also.

Thanks for the help!
I have a couple of GBRs and some head and tail light tetras that eat my guppy fry no problem. The guppys also eat them, which is weird.
So rams, maybe dwarf gourami and some of the larger type of tetras will help control the population. I'd wager that there'll be tons of different types that will gladly chow down on some ready made live food!
As for catfish, do you mean corydora? If so, there are loads of species of corys that will be fine in both or either tank. Some of them can get quite big, over 6/7cm each so watch out for those ones, especially since they really need to be kept in groups of at least 6 per species.
none of my endler fry escape the wrath of my harlequin rasboras..:)
Thanks for the replies! It sounds like tetras might be a good option here then. For those and/or the harlequin rasboras, how many should I look at getting? Do they need to be in certain size groups?
We had two cory catfish in the 55G tank, but they didn't do very well, maybe because of the gravel? Or do they really need to be in larger groups and that was my mistake?
You want a minimum group of 6. The cories would have been best in that size group as well. What did you feed them?
My fish always seem to get on a lot better in odd numbers .. Strange!

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