Suggestions For Pinned Topics


Hug a mod Nano Reef Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
I'd like to slowly and steadily get some pinned topics up here in the nano section. If there is any particular topic one feels strongly about, feel free to post your suggestions here. As you see, I've been able to add a few topics and will continue to try and bang this out. Also, I have never claimed to be an all-knowing, all-seeing nano expert to the stars. We have some extremely strong and talented nano-reefers here with drop dead tanks. If you find a mistake, typo or important omission that should have been included in a pin but was missed, let me know. SH
I'm not sure if that is wise. Pinning it may have some implications with regards to superior beauty? I"m open in to input. Eventually, it might be nice to have a tank of the month when this section gets larger. SH
How about a pinned topic that says "have you actually TRIED reading other peoples topics before asking all these basic questions"..... ;)

LOL..noted.....apparently this is an age old problem. Two threads started this week include a sea salt and hydrometer question..both of which had huge threads several lines below the post. SH
I reckon we should do a members tank collection. I know we did one earlier and it didn't go well as people started asking questions on the thread about corals and so on.

Perhaps we should follow the same kind of format as the planted sections collection with a description of the tanks equipment, livestock and maintenace without people posting comments and questions :)
i agree with Sf05. i like the idea a lot. it would also give newbs a good idea of what they can achieve and all the equipment needed. this could eliminate those post from people who have no idea what so ever of the stuff required for a nano.
Done....I realize the amount of info is a a lot, but, this will keep posters limited to people who are truly serious about their hobby. SH
hi, just wondering if it could be possible to have a pinned topic on tank maintenance methods ie best practice when mixing RO water and salt for water changes how regular and how much etc etc

maybe examples for FO,FOWLR,and full set ups with corals etc

just a thought , i'm sure it would be helpful to us newbies
I think there is FAR too many pinned topics now. There is 5 or 6 threads that could be condensed into one thread about nanos..

It seems massively OTT...

I agree with Bunji, when you open up the nano section you are hit with a long list of pinned threads :/

I have to say they are great threads with lots of info but we could just have one link leading to a sub section with all the different threads?


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