Suggestions For Last Fish

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Fish Fanatic
Nov 14, 2011
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I have a 29 gallon with 1- Male Crowntail Betta, 6- Glow-Light Tetra, and 9- Neon Tetra. What else should I get?
I would say a school of corys would be nice
I would say a school of corys would be nice

Or maybe some Kuhli Loaches :hyper:
You knew it was coming :shifty:

Why not go for a an oddball? They make interesting centrepiece fish.

There's plenty to chose from
Cory's might be good idea, what's your favorite kind?
I heard somewhere that Cory's need sand, I guess it's because gravel wares down their barbles. But I have a red tailed shark in a tank with gravel and he's doing fine.
they dont dig in the sand though, totally different fish. Also you didnt list that fish in your stocking origionally...any other fish you didnt mention, coz you can kiss goodbye to your glowlights when it gets big enough to eat them :D and if its big enough to eat them already, he needs a bigger tank :)
My red tailed shark is in a different tank than the glow-lights, neons and betta. He's in a 55 gallon with a male pearl gourami and Serpae tetra, thanks for your concern though :)
The reason Cory prefer sand mainly as it's their natural environment. Further to that because gravel allows food etc. to get trapped bacteria forms that is harmful to their barbels. Obviously sharp gravel can be harmful to all bottom dwellers.

Back when I had an interest in a Betta I kept him with a shoal of 8 pygmy cory. All was great and he had fun herding them around when the fancy took him :lol:
I think a group of 8 or so pygmy cories would work really rather nicely in that tank :good:

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