Suggestions For Interesting 2-4" Fish


New Member
Jan 15, 2006
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Hi all, i'm looking for suggestions for interesting 2-4" fish to put in my planted 37G tall tropical aquarium.

the fish that are in there now:
-harlequin rasboras
-dwarf gouramis
-red-tailed black shark
-cories (julli & sterbai)

so far everything has been great and the fish all seem happy and healthy.

the tank has quite a few plants and lots of wood and caves.
i've got space for maybe 2-3 more medium sized fish. i don't want any more small fish. something that will be a bit more of a presence. can be 2-3 of the same fish or different ones.
i've been looking into the american cichlids a bit but there isn't much there that is under 4" or so. i'd like something pretty peaceful.

thanks in advance... i just don't have time or patience to keep going through all of the fish profiles one by one.

should also mention that my water is slightly alkaline (pH 7.4) and pretty hard.
I just did a search of my database, and got some hits:

I looked for fish that are:
at least 2.5"
get no bigger than 5"
fit in 37 gallons or less
happy in 7.4 PH

The "advance search" function is perfect for things like this.

and I got 8 results from my database of 71 fish (I enter more every week)
Here is a pic of the results:

The link to my database is in my sig.

It sounds like you have enough bottom dwellers, but maybe you can consider the cave blind tetra or halfbeaks that my database returned. Good luck!
Laetacara dorsigera. A pair may even breed.

do you have any pictures of these... i couldn't find any in a quick search.

another thing is that i don't want any more bottom dwellers. i want to make sure that my cories and rtbs don't feel crowded. definately something for around the middle-top of the tank.

thanks guys! keep 'em coming!
Cave Blind Tetras rock. I have three, they are peaceful in the way that they don't attack other fish (I wonder if they could if they wanted to), but they are very active swimmers and are constantly darting about (and bumping into things). The females are a tad ugly though.
Laetacara dorsigera. A pair may even breed.

do you have any pictures of these... i couldn't find any in a quick search.

another thing is that i don't want any more bottom dwellers. i want to make sure that my cories and rtbs don't feel crowded. definately something for around the middle-top of the tank.

thanks guys! keep 'em coming!
:lol: I would have suggested some bottom dwellers, but ......

Gazillions of pics on Google on those chappies ;)
great, thanks. those do look really neat.
any special care requirements?
happen to know if they are easy to come by in North America?
don't rainbows have to be in a group?

rams are definately on my 'maybe' list. again, any special care requirements?

unfortunately, it seems like the stores that i usually buy my fish from don't have much in the way of american cichlids so my options are somewhat limitted. that's why i want to at least have a few ideas in my head when i go so that i have backup plans if they don't have them.

keep 'em coming!

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