Suggestions for 'centerpiece' fish


Fish Crazy
Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
North Cornwall, UK
I would like some suggestions as what fish I should put in with my tetras. I'm trying to keep to fish from one area of the world, South America in this case (forget the Platy, he'll be coming out soon).

The fish I have currenty have are 5 Cardinal and 5 Rummy Nose Tetras, will probably get a few more of each depending on the size of centerfish that I decide upon. Tank is 34 us gallons, 21" high and just under 3ft long.

Was thinking a pair of Rams, but now i'm not so sure - suggestions?
A nice group of Molly?
I have a group of 6 silver Molly in one of my tanks and they look stunning against the plants etc.

What about an angelfish? They get to be nice size and they are beautiful. I also have 2 german blue rams. They're pretty also, but they are small and I usually have to "hunt' for them in my tank. :rolleyes:
What's your pH? I really like discus, they're from South America... Problem is that they can be pretty sensitive to water conditions and they are DAMN expensive, I've seen them at $60 each...
ok Bettas are not from South america, But i also recommend Angels

And i think Mollys are from central america
Hi ChriX :)

I have to agree with totalbolshevik. Discus are the "class act" of South American fish, but they are fussy about their conditions.

And don't forget to add a school of Corydoras catfish which are also from South America. C. sterbai is one that will get along with the same temperatures and water temperatures as discus, if you choose to go with them.

There is a species of cory to go well with whatever you choose, I'm sure. Here's a link to the varieties:
I would get a pair of apistogramma. :nod:

Here's a site to help get you started:

If you get a breeding pair, you might not want to any corys or other bottom dwellers because they can get a bit territorial during breeding.

They have great personalities and are beautiful fish. :wub:
Hi all, thanks for the suggestions. I would really like a pair of Discus as I too think they are royalty when it comes to freshwater fish. I wasn't forgetting the corys Inchworm, how could I do such a thing! Was planning on a trio of Sterbai when I see them in a shop. :nod:

Only thing that was preventing me from trying Discus is that i'm not sure if the tank has enough swimming room for them, I have given the dimensions in the first post, maybe someone with Discus experience can judge? Although I know every situation is different, maybe I ought to go have a chat with the guy in the LFS. :)

Thanks again, and keep them coming! (Cometcattle: just having a read of that site, cheers!)
DON'T rush into discus they are very delicate fish need room, and perfect water parameters, often requireig an R/O machine and water changes every second day, recognize the commitment before you buy them, angelfish would make an equally good centerpiece without requireing extra work

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