Suggestions For An Alternative To Neon Tetras

I've got 6. 3 of each sex.
The males in particular are really good looking fish. Love their food too!
It's really only tiger barbs that are nippy; there are more nippy tetras than there are barbs, IME!
And tiger barbs aren't all that nippy in higher numbers. I have 13 now and they don't display any of the nippy tendencies they did when I only had 6.
Serpae Tetra! I don't know how big your tank is but 10 Serpae's are an alternative, really nice deep red, and very active :)
Aviici said:
Serpae Tetra! I don't know how big your tank is but 10 Serpae's are an alternative, really nice deep red, and very active :)
Now these CAN be very nippy fish

Given the OP asked for a small fish I'm guessing they don't have space for a big shoal - which is needed to keep aggression down
Ah well, was worth a go :p Serpae's are always given the cold shoulder!
In that case Ember tetra, Cherry Barb, Endler Guppies.. there's loads but those are probably the best looking smaller fish IME :)
if you want to keep it simple , buy some cardinal tetras , tend to be more expensive but are more colorful and hardy. Also neons tend to be delicate fish so get your water tested as mine kept on dying , i found there was something wrong with the water and fixed it and mine grew up to 4cm
stanster said:
Hadn't thought about barbs, aren't they a bit nippy? 
Only the nippy ones. Cherry barbs aren't, neither are Pentazona barbs.

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