Suggestions For 65 Gallon South American Tank Please

Yes Snowflake311, I was asking you if you were doing a fishless cycle :) Sounds like it will be a nice tank when you are finished. I am interested in seeing how you are aquascaping it and would love to see pictures of it if you are able to post some.

Good Luck and I hope all goes well for ya!
Yes Snowflake311, I was asking you if you were doing a fishless cycle :) Sounds like it will be a nice tank when you are finished. I am interested in seeing how you are aquascaping it and would love to see pictures of it if you are able to post some.

Good Luck and I hope all goes well for ya!

I can't wait to put it all together this is going to be my master piece I will post photos once it looks good. It's going to be awhile I'm filling it tomarow get the filter and heater running. This week I'm going to add my sand too. I'm also going to collect some rocks too clean them and silicore them together.

I think setting up this tank is going to be fun.
I feel the same way about my 65 gallon tank. The only tanks I have are a 10 gallon and a 5 gallon so this one will be my masterpiece as well :D I am really trying to plan this one out because I want to get the aquascaping right the first time. I ended up changing out the substrate in my 10 gallon tank because I rushed into it and I think it would be way too much work to do the same thing with a 65 gallon tank! :crazy:

What kind of sand do you have? I was thinking of using sand as my substrate also but am not sure what is the best kind to use.
I have hears play sand and pool filter sand work and are cheap. I'm thinking of putting a layer of plant substrut see if that helps the plants. I really like the light color of pool filter sand put I think playground sand is more natural looking.

I have a 36 gal that I feel I rushed getting set up. It looks nice but I only have a bunch of fake plants because I pick mid size gravel plants hate it. Only thing I can keep is java moss. No other plant would stay rooted. I have learned better to take time to get it right the first time.

Good luck to you hope to see some photos too.

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