Suggestions, 180 Liter Tank


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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I got a "new" juwel rio 180 (180 liter tank)

dimensions of the tank: 101x41x50 cm

I have 11 glass catfish in there along with 13 male guppies...I can lower the number of guppies to 5 at any time (have to have 5 in there because they are 5 different colors and my other half wants to keep them :rolleyes: )

What else could I keep in that tank? Or am I at the limit?

I would like to get some biggish fish that wont harm my current fish. Needs to be peaceful, the tank will be heavily planted.
My problems are guppies - I know they are small...Don't want livebearers (I have platys and guppies in other tanks - overpopulation really... ). By biggish I mean bigger than guppies, I know I can't have large fish in there as gups would be than called diner....possibly some barbs? But they mustn't be fin nippers. I want something active but don't want something that would stress the glass cats or guppies...

Oh, and I LOVE catfishes, especially the ones that have long wiskers (so are sadly predatory, darn guppies are so small...)...Was looking into synos, but am affraid they get too aggresive or would predate on guppies when grown... With corries my problem is that I have gravel 4-5 mm granulation, it doesn't look too smooth, tho it isn't really sharp either, but i don't know...
You talking barbs, I know cherry barbs would not be a problem, & then harlequins and lemon tets... neons, Zebra and leopard danios... Black neons gets a lot bigger than guppies, so do black widow tetras, red eye tetras, Rios... even rummy nose or Tic tac... of the bigger ones, some Gouramies can be considered... Honey Gouramies, and at a push even Pearls would blend in.... Ghost cats would do no harm (to mention a few)!

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