Suggestion: Separate Area For Journals


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2006
Reaction score
England (Yorkshire)
Hi Mods and fellow fishy lovers,

I am really intersted in peoples journals and their step by step set ups, maybe there can be a separate section for people to post their journals which will make them easeir for people to look through.

Let me know what you think.
I'd personally like a place where people can talk about there setups and what experience they have had with them. Particularly when tackling compatibility issues. I'd like for these to be organized by the fish kept in them somehow but that may be asking a bit too much.

you have a good idea IMHO
The trouble is, it would probably need to be one forum with a lot of subforums (to prevent confusion of everything jumbled), and would it get used enough?
I agree with William. There are so many setups..marine..brackish...fresh. I've found that if you are interested in a particular setup, you can find it with the search button. EG, if you wanted to learn how to set up a nano reef with a nano cube, you'd find it very easily with the SB. SH
True but what about just a section with titles like this

55 gallon fresh water mbuna tank
125 sw tank
25 planted cube

and people post what they do as they setup their tanks and people can help them and comment on it and that way there would be no need for sub-forums. Just my opinion

what if... we used the fish index... oh man my head hurts just thinking about the repititious hours that would be needed to do this... make each fish a subforum within the forum it's in... then pin the actual fish's profile at the top of the subforum and allow people to post journals in that subforum if there tank has (or in some cases had) that fish in it? That way people could quickly scan or search and find out what has gone well (or not so well) with there favorite centerpiece fish in other people's tanks. TBH the compatability calculators I have seen have been severely lacking. For this to work the way I want it too we would have to be able to post threads in multiple forums something I don't think is possible. I mentioned copying threads to steelhealr when he was combining some pinned topics and he didn't respond as far as I know. I'm sure it could be worked out somehow though.
If you set this up, surely posting on the forums would go down? Obviously that would be a bad thing...

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