Suggestion For A Rio 125


Fish Crazy
Sep 3, 2004
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I have a planted Rio125 tank, which can been seen on this link...

At the moment I have:
20x Cardinal Tetra
7x Corydoras Panda
2x L134 - Leopard Frog
1X L260 - Queen Arabesque

I also have a 6" Discus that will be leaving this weekend.

So my question is, what can I replace the Discus with as a feature fish?

I am thinking Blue Rams, because I have never kept them before, but what sort of group size and Male & Female ratio should they be kept in?

Or is there anything else that you could suggest...???
You could have male/male but in that size tank I would think male/female would be better, one of each only. Give them plenty of hiding places, try to keep nitrItes below 20ppm (although as youve had discus your probably used to that) and you should be fine.
Or is there anything else that you could suggest...???

I agree a pair of Rams would work well, (both blue or bolivian species)

other species to consider though are, Keyholes, flag curviceps, cocaktoo apistos, borelli apistos, Nannacara anomala, Crenicara punctulatum or Crenicara filamentosa

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