Suggest Some Fish For A 20h?


Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2005
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Okay, so, I've been out of the fish-loop for almost a year. During that time, I've been maintaining a fairly minimal tank.... extremely minimal. I have a 20g (US) high, that's extremely heavily planted, it's running 2 HOB filters and 1 sponge filter.

1) Heavily planted
2) Three total filters. I had a little stage where I was paranoid about a filter giving out and cloning tanks, this is the result. lol One Biowheel 125, one Aquaclear 20, and one Hydro II sponge filter. The water is actually quite calm and there is little current (probably because of the plants)

The current stock is 4 african dwarf frogs, 3 harelquin rasboras and 2 white cloud mountain minnow. Yes, I know I should have a full school of the two, but the thing is I don't want anymore of the specific fish I have. They school together when they feel motivated and the plants are so dense that I haven't seen 'shy behavior'. I will say that I'm not ruling out buying more right now... It's just that at the moment, i'm disinclined to do so simply because I want to try different combinations in my head first... I might buy more simply because it'd be the road of least resistance.

3) Low population with peaceful schooling fish, roughly 13" of 'fish'

So, I have approximately "13 inches" of fish/frogs in a 20g tall, overfiltered, highly planted tank. My tank is fully cycled and never has any ammonia spikes -- I tested yesterday, and intermitantly before that. :blush: I have a sand substrate but not much floor space due to the planting. I have caves and bogwood as well. I do actually feel that my tank is stable enough with all the plants/filters that slight overstocking would be fine, so long as each fish has their space.

4) Coarse Sand Substrate with Limited or No floor space.
5) 'bomb proof' bacteria, ammonia is never present.

I feed flake food and frozen bloodworms, generally, and would prefer additional stock to share the same diet. My tank is generally 80F, I have a heater but it almost never comes on.

I have been out of the loop for so long, now that I want to add a little more to my tank, I've realized I've forgotten most of what I know about the various species of fish. My preferences tend towards single show fish right now, for aesthetic reasons. I vaguely remember that my specific tank conditions are friendly towards Gouramis, Angel Fish, and Betta Splendens.... buuut, that's about it.

Too wordy? -_-
Okay, so, I've been out of the fish-loop for almost a year. During that time, I've been maintaining a fairly minimal tank.... extremely minimal. I have a 20g (US) high, that's extremely heavily planted, it's running 2 HOB filters and 1 sponge filter.

1) Heavily planted
2) Three total filters. I had a little stage where I was paranoid about a filter giving out and cloning tanks, this is the result. lol One Biowheel 125, one Aquaclear 20, and one Hydro II sponge filter. The water is actually quite calm and there is little current (probably because of the plants)

The current stock is 4 african dwarf frogs, 3 harelquin rasboras and 2 white cloud mountain minnow. Yes, I know I should have a full school of the two, but the thing is I don't want anymore of the specific fish I have. They school together when they feel motivated and the plants are so dense that I haven't seen 'shy behavior'. I will say that I'm not ruling out buying more right now... It's just that at the moment, i'm disinclined to do so simply because I want to try different combinations in my head first... I might buy more simply because it'd be the road of least resistance.

3) Low population with peaceful schooling fish, roughly 13" of 'fish'

So, I have approximately "13 inches" of fish/frogs in a 20g tall, overfiltered, highly planted tank. My tank is fully cycled and never has any ammonia spikes -- I tested yesterday, and intermitantly before that. :blush: I have a sand substrate but not much floor space due to the planting. I have caves and bogwood as well. I do actually feel that my tank is stable enough with all the plants/filters that slight overstocking would be fine, so long as each fish has their space.

4) Coarse Sand Substrate with Limited or No floor space.
5) 'bomb proof' bacteria, ammonia is never present.

I feed flake food and frozen bloodworms, generally, and would prefer additional stock to share the same diet. My tank is generally 80F, I have a heater but it almost never comes on.

I have been out of the loop for so long, now that I want to add a little more to my tank, I've realized I've forgotten most of what I know about the various species of fish. My preferences tend towards single show fish right now, for aesthetic reasons. I vaguely remember that my specific tank conditions are friendly towards Gouramis, Angel Fish, and Betta Splendens.... buuut, that's about it.

Too wordy? -_-

Too wordy indeed, well I read... some of that lol. I think you could have summarized that a little better, but no worries. Well…you could go a few directions with that tank it sounds very nice. I would go with some angel fish or a ruby clown cichlid, or my personal favorite (south American fish anyway) key holes! They are cute...really cute I could have a whole 30 gallon full of them they all have there own little personalities and they play games with each other. They are just adorable! I love my keyholes. I also find that even though they are not aggressive they do alright with more aggressive fish as well as small tetras of course. I have never seen one bigger than 4 inches but I hear they can get 5 or 6… then again angles can get huge too but I rarely see them larger than 7 inches. Good luck :good:
Too wordy indeed, well I read... some of that lol. I think you could have summarized that a little better, but no worries.

Ah, well. I tried. I figured the bright bold numbered points, with the elucidating paragraphs would do the trick. Better luck next time, eh?

Well…you could go a few directions with that tank it sounds very nice. I would go with some angel fish or a ruby clown cichlid, or my personal favorite (south American fish anyway) key holes! They are cute...really cute I could have a whole 30 gallon full of them they all have there own little personalities and they play games with each other. They are just adorable! I love my keyholes. I also find that even though they are not aggressive they do alright with more aggressive fish as well as small tetras of course. I have never seen one bigger than 4 inches but I hear they can get 5 or 6… then again angles can get huge too but I rarely see them larger than 7 inches. Good luck :good:

Thank you for the suggestions. I had to google 'ruby clown cichlid'. *laugh* Darn common names. I'll take a closer look at those three. I wish I had retained some of my previous studying of fish, but not having used my knowledge for a year, it all just kinda went *poof!
Okay, so, I've been out of the fish-loop for almost a year. During that time, I've been maintaining a fairly minimal tank.... extremely minimal. I have a 20g (US) high, that's extremely heavily planted, it's running 2 HOB filters and 1 sponge filter.

1) Heavily planted
2) Three total filters. I had a little stage where I was paranoid about a filter giving out and cloning tanks, this is the result. lol One Biowheel 125, one Aquaclear 20, and one Hydro II sponge filter. The water is actually quite calm and there is little current (probably because of the plants)

The current stock is 4 african dwarf frogs, 3 harelquin rasboras and 2 white cloud mountain minnow. Yes, I know I should have a full school of the two, but the thing is I don't want anymore of the specific fish I have. They school together when they feel motivated and the plants are so dense that I haven't seen 'shy behavior'. I will say that I'm not ruling out buying more right now... It's just that at the moment, i'm disinclined to do so simply because I want to try different combinations in my head first... I might buy more simply because it'd be the road of least resistance.

3) Low population with peaceful schooling fish, roughly 13" of 'fish'

So, I have approximately "13 inches" of fish/frogs in a 20g tall, overfiltered, highly planted tank. My tank is fully cycled and never has any ammonia spikes -- I tested yesterday, and intermitantly before that. :blush: I have a sand substrate but not much floor space due to the planting. I have caves and bogwood as well. I do actually feel that my tank is stable enough with all the plants/filters that slight overstocking would be fine, so long as each fish has their space.

4) Coarse Sand Substrate with Limited or No floor space.
5) 'bomb proof' bacteria, ammonia is never present.

I feed flake food and frozen bloodworms, generally, and would prefer additional stock to share the same diet. My tank is generally 80F, I have a heater but it almost never comes on.

I have been out of the loop for so long, now that I want to add a little more to my tank, I've realized I've forgotten most of what I know about the various species of fish. My preferences tend towards single show fish right now, for aesthetic reasons. I vaguely remember that my specific tank conditions are friendly towards Gouramis, Angel Fish, and Betta Splendens.... buuut, that's about it.

Too wordy? -_-

Too wordy indeed, well I read... some of that lol. I think you could have summarized that a little better, but no worries. Well…you could go a few directions with that tank it sounds very nice. I would go with some angel fish or a ruby clown cichlid, or my personal favorite (south American fish anyway) key holes! They are cute...really cute I could have a whole 30 gallon full of them they all have there own little personalities and they play games with each other. They are just adorable! I love my keyholes. I also find that even though they are not aggressive they do alright with more aggressive fish as well as small tetras of course. I have never seen one bigger than 4 inches but I hear they can get 5 or 6… then again angles can get huge too but I rarely see them larger than 7 inches. Good luck :good:

yeah hes pretty much got it right but you might want to watch the Angel fish they can be particularily fiesty at breeding time
PS how big are your other fish
yeah hes pretty much got it right but you might want to watch the Angel fish they can be particularily fiesty at breeding time
PS how big are your other fish

I quoted 13" in my initial post, which was calculated by using their adult size, for the frogs I added 2" by each. The frogs aren't really that big, but they're considered messy so I err on the side of caution, some people use the 1" per frog rule, I use the 2". I'd say my fish are a shade smaller than adult size, but not much more than that.

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