Suggest Me A Mini External Filter

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Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
East Yorks
Hi Im setting up a small 8g nano tank for my new Badis that are coming on Friday - I want to make all visible equipment a minimum due to the already small space.

Although this tank is only 8g I want to upgrade it in a short while so an external that can do between a 10g to a 20g would be great.

Its currently running on a Fluval U1 which isnt really ideal but for the small fish it should be fine for now.

Thanks Wills
re sun do one called the cyclone
got a link for you to eBay for one
Biff that is perfect! Thankyou so much :D Going to do a bit of digging on them though just to see how reliable the make is.

Have you used these before?

Thanks again

THat filter is from Hong Kong, so if something breaks, it may be hard to find a suitable replacement part -_-
To be fair I have been looking at a few shrimp forums for reviews and all seem pretty good - I do worry though that it could go wrong but for £20 for an external filter that will just sit behind the tank is ideal!

Quite tempted by these.

Does it have to be a proper external? Or would a hang on be suitable?

If so there are quite a few hang on the back filters on ebay, just search 'hang on' and you'll get loads up. Plus it makes protecting small fish nice and easy cause you can just slot filter sponge over the end.
I had not thought about hang ons - my girlfriend hates the sight of aquatic equipment in a tank so as long as the hang ons are not that visable it should be fine? Do you know of any good inexpensive ones?

you can get them in the
UK from pond solutions
i think i know they do re sun
stuff there i will see if
i can find you a link to pond
Wills I have 3 of the Badis being delivered this week to go in my shrimp tank, your query is one that I too was wondering about and I found this on ebay, I`m thinking of getting one for each of my shrimp tanks.....1 35L and 1 20L.

Not sure if it helps you? :unsure:
I haven't got a clue which are 'good' or 'bad'. But after a quick look on ebay there are plenty to choose from so just look up a few reviews if you see anything you like the look of.
Wills I have 3 of the Badis being delivered this week to go in my shrimp tank, your query is one that I too was wondering about and I found this on ebay, I`m thinking of getting one for each of my shrimp tanks.....1 35L and 1 20L.

Not sure if it helps you? :unsure:

Hi elsie sorry I cant see a link? I saw a few other people got the Badis what are you planning to mix yours with? I cant decide :drool: Ive wanted a micro tank for ages and ages

Wills I have 3 of the Badis being delivered this week to go in my shrimp tank, your query is one that I too was wondering about and I found this on ebay, I`m thinking of getting one for each of my shrimp tanks.....1 35L and 1 20L.

Not sure if it helps you? :unsure:

Hi elsie sorry I cant see a link? I saw a few other people got the Badis what are you planning to mix yours with? I cant decide :drool: Ive wanted a micro tank for ages and ages


Sorry, I copied the link but forgot to paste :blush:

I have a 35L with RCS and a 20L with Crystal Reds, both tanks are well planted but I`m not 100% sure which tank to put the Badis in, I guess the 35L would be better......more room and cheaper shrimp if they decide to have a shrimp salad lunch :blink: :lol:
Thanks Elsie - the biffster just linked me the same product - its quite a tough choice..... Just been told that a member called SuperColey has one of the resun externals so hoping he will chip in with how his has been going.

I think Im going to keep mine with micro rasbora and either tiny loaches or anchor catfish but I really cant decide :S Ive never had shrimp either which might be a first for me this time.... Im going to get some horned nerite snails as well to help keep it tidy - Im a bit of a biotope freak so want to stick with Asian fish for this tank. Quite tempted by the Rummynose Rasbora to mix with them but I cant decide!!! Plus a lot of the small schooling fish are massivly over priced Galaxy Rasbora are £6.50 each here! But I saw some Chilli Rasbora a while ago for 90p each which are quite tempting but.... mmmmm I dont know what to do ahah :D

I'm using an old Eheim 2011 on my 12 litre Celestial tank - rated at 250lph its perfect for filtering small tanks - I'd say see if you can get either a small Eheim or Fluval - much better buy in the long run.
So much choice huh? :lol: :lol:

I already have some of the Chilli Rasbs (4 left out of 6), cute little fish but they`re in the smaller shrimp tank now (10L where the babies go to grow on before selling or trading with MA). I`ve never kept the Badis before but have been looking for them for a little while, I personally would like to see them on their own instead of mixing them but I`ll see how they go for a while first. I may end up putting the Chilli`s with them eventually :unsure:

I also think the Rummy Rasbs are lovely. The Emerald and Galaxy Rasbs are nice (have some) but they are overpriced imo. There`s a seller on ebay somewhere selling 15 of the Emerald Rasbs for £10.00 at the mo (+P&P).
Will try and find a link to them if you want? :unsure:

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