Sudden Tank Illness

niki palos verdes

New Member
Aug 28, 2007
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The aquarium shop that manages my tank did a water change today. I've now got six dying discus, all my congo tetras a dying, etc. The fish have ich spots and are obviously experiencing some kind of stress. I tested the ph and it was 7.6 so I tried lowering it plus aeration. I can't get in touch with these clowns at the shop. What else can I do?
Niki in Palos Verdes
Ok so you actually pay someone to maintain your tank? Not quite following you. If they obviously have ick they need to be treated. Discuss are very weak when it comes to changes in water, PH, and having never had them or kept them i would wait untill someone more expeiernced with the fish comes along. I would definately not use that shop anymore.

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