Hi everyone,
So just yesterday my fish were all swimming around happily in my 29 gallon planted tank. I got this tank a while back, cycled it for two to three weeks, and just added the fish two weeks ago. The fish I had were:
6 guppies from my previous tank, which was running for four months
2 platies from the same previous tank
1 more guppy from the store
5 peppered cories from the store
Along with 2 nerite snails and 3 MTS from the store
The fish were doing fine until just this morning; the guppies/platies usually kept to the sides of the tank because the current in the center was pretty strong, and the cories just hid out in the back. I was taken completely by surprise because just this morning I came to look at the tank and found two of my original six guppies dead. This shocked me because they showed no signs of illness or fatigue the night before, and I immediately removed the fish and topped off the tank with water. I continued to monitor the tank for the day and noticed more; the other five guppies all suddenly started acting lethargic too. One of my males sunk to the bottom of the tank and has been sitting there gasping all day, and the other male is swimming at the top almost vertically. The smaller female sits still next to the heater, and the other two guppies sit still for a while then swim around. The guppies' gills are red on the inside, and all day they've had long, stringy poop (some red, some white) hanging off of them. One of my platies is also being a bit strange. He's the submissive one out of the two, but as of today he's been hiding more often in the bushes and is now also at the top of the tank slanting slightly, with stringy poop out of him too. The cories and other platy are doing fine, as are the snails. I moved the two males (one sitting on bottom and one swimming vertically) into a mug temporarily to monitor them closely.
I used marineland test strips to test my water and the parameters are:
Nitrate 40ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Hardness 300ppm (I have pretty hard water in my region)
Chlorine 0ppm
Alkalinity 80ppm
pH 6.8-7.2
I don't add any chemicals into the tank except for API CO2 booster (1mL everyday) and TopFin water conditioner whenever I top off the tank. I feed the fish twice every day with a few flakes, though last night I may have poured in just a little too much.
My test strips don't read for ammonia, which could be a problem but my snails and cories aren't behaving strangely. I thought it might have been an issue with the strong current tiring the fish, but that still doesn't explain a sudden shift in behavior or the two deaths. My final hunch is a parasite, but I don't want to medicate until I'm sure of what the problem is.
Does anyone know what could have killed my fish and caused them to suddenly start acting lethargic?
So just yesterday my fish were all swimming around happily in my 29 gallon planted tank. I got this tank a while back, cycled it for two to three weeks, and just added the fish two weeks ago. The fish I had were:
6 guppies from my previous tank, which was running for four months
2 platies from the same previous tank
1 more guppy from the store
5 peppered cories from the store
Along with 2 nerite snails and 3 MTS from the store
The fish were doing fine until just this morning; the guppies/platies usually kept to the sides of the tank because the current in the center was pretty strong, and the cories just hid out in the back. I was taken completely by surprise because just this morning I came to look at the tank and found two of my original six guppies dead. This shocked me because they showed no signs of illness or fatigue the night before, and I immediately removed the fish and topped off the tank with water. I continued to monitor the tank for the day and noticed more; the other five guppies all suddenly started acting lethargic too. One of my males sunk to the bottom of the tank and has been sitting there gasping all day, and the other male is swimming at the top almost vertically. The smaller female sits still next to the heater, and the other two guppies sit still for a while then swim around. The guppies' gills are red on the inside, and all day they've had long, stringy poop (some red, some white) hanging off of them. One of my platies is also being a bit strange. He's the submissive one out of the two, but as of today he's been hiding more often in the bushes and is now also at the top of the tank slanting slightly, with stringy poop out of him too. The cories and other platy are doing fine, as are the snails. I moved the two males (one sitting on bottom and one swimming vertically) into a mug temporarily to monitor them closely.
I used marineland test strips to test my water and the parameters are:
Nitrate 40ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Hardness 300ppm (I have pretty hard water in my region)
Chlorine 0ppm
Alkalinity 80ppm
pH 6.8-7.2
I don't add any chemicals into the tank except for API CO2 booster (1mL everyday) and TopFin water conditioner whenever I top off the tank. I feed the fish twice every day with a few flakes, though last night I may have poured in just a little too much.
My test strips don't read for ammonia, which could be a problem but my snails and cories aren't behaving strangely. I thought it might have been an issue with the strong current tiring the fish, but that still doesn't explain a sudden shift in behavior or the two deaths. My final hunch is a parasite, but I don't want to medicate until I'm sure of what the problem is.
Does anyone know what could have killed my fish and caused them to suddenly start acting lethargic?