sucking loaches


Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Wiltshire, UK
Don't tell me I should have done the research first, I did do some but have since had contradictory advice so please help. :/

I have just bought 6 sucking loaches about a 1½" in length to add to my community set-up (see sig). I was told by everyone that they would be fine, friendly guys getting to about 4-6" in length giving no trouble at all.

Once I got them home and was floating them in the tank I was advised that they are territorial, stroppy, suck on the sides of other fishes (esp. angels), and can cause trouble in a peaceful setup when older. :( Is this true?

If it is true, I will need to take them back to the LFS as soon as possible so a swift response would be greatly appreciated. ;)

Many thanks

Cava :fish:
The CAE is often sold to beginners. When young it is a reasonable algae eater, but it doesn't stay young for ever.

Yes, they get big, territorial and bad tempered. They stop eating algae, preferring meatier foods including slime coats of flat sided slow moving fish. They are also quite adept at taking eyes out of their tank mates, oddly Corys seem to be their preferred eye dish.

They really shouldn't be sold to beginners.
Have I got a good case for taking these fish back to the shop then? I've never done this before and am not sure where I stand. I got them Saturday and have a 48 hour gaurantee but I think this applies to sick/dead fish only.

Maybe the person who recommended the loaches meant Corydoras? they fit the description - loaches can get about 14cm or more in length and they can be nasty. youve got a definite case to take them back.
actually you shouldnt say that if it wasnt the shop that gave you false information. Jutst say that you arent happy with the fish and wish to return them or exchange them for Corys or something? cories are very peaceful and have many fans on the forum (not I among them) so you should be able to get good advice. i think u have a good case for returning them. They cant exactly refuse, can they? Your within the guarantee.
Thanks guys but am I within my guarantee? They are very healthy, they are just not suitable.

Wot I really dont understand is that they were sold as 6 for £10 which indicates that they are able to be kept with their own sort. From what I have now read from different previous posts on here (I did a search), they dont tolerate their own kind so how can they be sold like this??? :dunno: :sad:

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