Such A Waste.... Chucking Out Hornwort...

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Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
Reaction score
South Africa
In around 2011... I bought a 6 inch piece of Hornwort at a petshop for R5..... (about 50p)...This plant is soooooo prolific... that I have to cut back from time to time... as so many times before.... I chucked out barrows full this afternoon as there are no takers for it.....

This is the lot removed from one pond only.... (and mid summer... that is the weekly quota removed).....

This photo below.... shows just one length ... folded double over the washing line.... Very Healthy plants going to waste...

ive got it in my 50 gallon amazon biotope and every week i cut it back but it provides good cover and some height to the tank and its the only plant that has that elodea densa/ cambomba look that is low light and thrives under all conditions
If only you lived closer to me LV.  I'd take some off your hands.
If I lived closer I would take it... o~o
nic1 said:
lol... that would put the onus on me to post it... With our postal services here in SA... lol... not advisable.... I also chuck out Valisneria on a regular basis....Free to anyone that can collect....
Oh! I didn't know where in the world you were.... Should of read your sig :D
I tried Hornwort and all it did was shed it's leaves and litter my tank like a christmas tree.

I half believe that my tank will kill all plants except anubais. Even tank herpes (duckweed) will slowly be eradicated.
How does one kill duckweed?
I've tried all year eradicating it and it didn't do any good, seems like it just grew and grew and grew!
Get a duck. :lol:
l_l_l said:
How does one kill duckweed?
I've tried all year eradicating it and it didn't do any good, seems like it just grew and grew and grew!
Maybe there's something in my water that there is no test for, that allows snails and shrimps and anubais to grow but not duckweed or any other plant. But I'll mail you some if you pay for shipping!

It just slowly dissapears until there is none left.

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