such a dork I am


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2004
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I had to turn off my filter for the bug guy to spray for ants, well I left early, and came back late, so it was off for about 9-10 hrs, and right after I had a nitrate spike. dang it! I think I'm recycling. :< The fish are fine. my readings are
nitrIte 0
hardness 300
alkalinity 120
ph level 7.8

will that hurt them over time? I added a ton of water conditioner (with a 30% water change) but it says use up to 5x normal dose in case of emergency nitrate/nitrite spike. (it is suppoed to detoxify them)
It sounds to me like you have done the right thing, and your fish will most likely be just fine. You can continue with the water changes over the next few days to continue to lower the nitrate level - that is pretty high! I'd also suggest adding some aquarium salt if you have some, it can also help reduce the effects of nitrate. Good luck! :thumbs:
The only way you get nitrates in your water is if your beneficial bacteria are doing their job!

ammonia is turned into nitrite and nitrite is turned into nitrate.

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