

New Member
Aug 26, 2008
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Rochester, NY
I have a 16 gal tank with 2 albino cories and 5 glowlight tetras. The substrate is gravel...some appears smooth, other pieces not. I'm relatively new to fish keeping and i've been reading that gravel can damage the cories' barbells. So far the two cories are doing very well. How difficult would it be to change the substrate to sand? Should I even bother if they're ok now? Is it easier to clean than gravel? Thanks.
BIG fish net, lift the gravel out that way, or get your hands in...

oh take some water out too so it doesnt go everywhere

i recently went from gravel to sand, but now ive gone from sand back to gravel as i hated it
its easy prewash your sand, remove all the gravel, slowly put in the sand, it took me just over 3hrs to change and about a day for the cloudyness to clear rescape while its still cloudy.
your corry's will love you for it
Remember to vaccum the gravel first before switching to sand.
gravel vac before you do it . Get an old (well rinsed) milk carton(2L are ideal) cut in half scoop out gravel, /rinse out sand and refill with the sand put it right to the bottom of the tank and pour it out . You will still have some murkiness to the tank but not as bad as just puttin the sand in and waiting for it to settle

Also make sure your filters off when you do it otherwise you'll just sook most of it up as your putting it in

and remember to take a before and after photo and post them both so we can see your handy work

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