Substrate Question


New Member
Nov 21, 2003
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I recently purchased a product by Red Sea called Flora Base:
I purchased it because I have a small corner of my tank dedicated to live plants, and they didnt seem to be growing well. Ever since moving to this substrate from the traditional gravel I had, the Biowheel filter cartridge has been covered with a brown (same color as the substrate) sludge-like residue. As a result, the cartridge is not trapping the small particles of filth that it used to, and as a result the tank is not as clean as it once was. Not sure if I am doing something wrong, this is my first time using this type of substrate. If it matters, here is some info about the tank:

*37 gal.
*4 clown loaches, 1 bala shark, 1 common pleco, 2 angels, 1 Asian upside down catfish, and 1 cory.
*large driftwood column
*medium sized slate cave
*mix of live plants including mellon sword, anubius, and Italian vallisneria
Hi, Im not familiar with this substrate product but does it have any particular instructions on it? If its similar to laterite, it is best put under a layer of fine gravel.
The pleco may be stirring it up during the night, my plecos constant munching on the bogwood causes my pre filter media (white cottony stuff) to go brown and clogged so I have to change it every 4-5 days at least. Of course I wouldnt have it any other way!

Thanks Ken, I think you may be correct. I never thought of that, but now I do remember seeing the pleco disturb the substrate once...and an even bigger culprit would be the black upside down asian catfish! But I agree, I can deal with it as long as I know WHY its happening now. :) Thanks for your help!

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