Nicklfires 55g Planted Journal

Well i just got all my stuff for EI dosing from Supercoley and i mixed everything and began dosing 2 days ago i guess it will a couple of weeks before i see a huge change... but just wanted to list that on my journal :) Supercoley also had sent me some riccia..but somwhere during the trip i think it went bad.... Guess the uk is far away from canada hahah.. Was not his fault by all means though... :) I'd like to thanks supercoley for everything he's helped me with , thanks bud.
Tank is looking good. Have you seen much of a result from the EI, I have be dosing since Saturday
You know what it's been about a week and a half since i been dosing EI and i have noticed a bit of a change. I believe the plants are growing a bit better, they are alot greener and they are not dying or... have any type of deficientcy like i once had. I was having a problem with some of the swords... just getting holes in the leaves.. (thought it was potassium) anyways... once i started EI everything has kinda.. stood still. so it must be doing some good in there.
I'll take a picture when i get home from work of the tank currently and see if we notice a huge difference :)
Hey guys i'd thought i'd do a little bit of an update, been about a mont since i last posted up some pictures so i thought i'd share with you some of the most recent pictures i just had taken before posting this. Since the last time i got a couple of new plants, alot of the existing ones have also grown out a bit. I have been dosing EI for about the last 3 weeks and alot of people know i'v had problems with a surface film that was forming. So i went out today and bought a surface skimmer, i took my original inlet from my eheim filter and replaced it with this new surface skinner inlet, it's actually working AWESOME within 10 minutes the top of the water was crystal clear, no residue or anything.. got my vote for sure. I lost about 3 rosey barbs.. to the same thing.. the same ulcer in all of them.. that's the only fish that was affected and there's one last survivor left.. werid eh. So i went out and bought 5 new neons...

So my current stock is:
1 - pleco
11 - neon tetras
5 - glowlight tetras
1 - rosey barb
4- albino coreys
1 - neon dwarf rainbow
1 - rainbow albino shark
1- sinapore flower shrimp
1 - Flying fox (true one)

So as you can see i'm not running with too much livestock, i'd like to get alot more neons.. i dont know i'm a sucker for them, i love the glowlights, as you can see from my previous pictures they are just georgious i think anyways..

I am hoping within the next month or two to get rid of the pleco i have and replace him with a Albino brushnose pleco and a Royal Pleco. I'd also like to get a couple of schooling exotic fish but have no made up my mind at all.

I had some riccia shipped from supercoley but unfortunately it didnt make it (long distance from the UK to Canada) so i'm still searching for some as we speak aswell as some dwarf hairgrass, i really want to fil up the rest of the substrate with it so i think i gotta make a trip down into vancouver.

Anyways here's the pictures, you can see the surface skimmer in some of the pictures aswell.

























Well a bit of an update, since my last post which was a while ago i actually moved so this gave me a good time to redesign the tank a bit. I actually found some dwarf hairgrass here in canada which is harder to find then in the UK, also got some b. japonica which is.. stargrass it's called?? i got a couple more plants but that's not the point right now lol.

I'm actually turning it into a discus tank believe it or not, i wanted a move open view of the tank as the discus will get some swimming room. i'm going to start off with about 5 discus 3" big... mix of blue tourquiose and blue brilliants... wish me luck lol did all my research.

Since i'm dosing with ei this should be a interesting as discus require alot more attension then required, i'm sure i'll get used to it.

Sorry about the pictures, didnt clean the tank just wanted to get a couple shots up. i have cleaned it since the pictures so i'll take alot more better quality photos.. without the algae on the glass :)

I have been told that on my new design that the back middle looks really bare, i'd tending to agree with them more and more, i'm not the best aquascaper.... i got really poor ability to do that design kinda stuff but.. eventually i'll start to learn god knows i been doing this a long time already. I think some big bushy plants in the back would kinda of fill it out alot more. plus my hairgrass needs to grow in , that will take some time. Critics welcome



Yea definately, once i can get more plants then i'll upgrade the lighting to the coralife 4x65 , right now i only got the 2x65
and yes we love the psi lol. I dont know too many canadian guys other then me on this forums lol

Add one to the list bud, Im in toronto and jealous of your Digs. I'm hunting for job oppertunities in the B to the C. If ya hear of any Heavy equipment operating jobs, give me a holler :), anyway about the tank.

Looks great man, I actually have a piece of bogwood with java moss just like yours, although your tank dwarfs my 12 gallon eclipse.

Does the flying fox go well with tetras? (specifically cardinals?) looking @ my bottom feeder options. Any input will be well recieved.

Keep up the Canadian Pride eh?


Jedi Wiggles
Nicklfire (Shawn) has moved on a lot since this journal. lol

He is using MH now. Not sure if he is updating on here these days but he posts regularly on the BCAquaria forum.


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