Hey guys i'd thought i'd do a little bit of an update, been about a mont since i last posted up some pictures so i thought i'd share with you some of the most recent pictures i just had taken before posting this. Since the last time i got a couple of new plants, alot of the existing ones have also grown out a bit. I have been dosing EI for about the last 3 weeks and alot of people know i'v had problems with a surface film that was forming. So i went out today and bought a surface skimmer, i took my original inlet from my eheim filter and replaced it with this new surface skinner inlet, it's actually working AWESOME within 10 minutes the top of the water was crystal clear, no residue or anything.. got my vote for sure. I lost about 3 rosey barbs.. to the same thing.. the same ulcer in all of them.. that's the only fish that was affected and there's one last survivor left.. werid eh. So i went out and bought 5 new neons...
So my current stock is:
1 - pleco
11 - neon tetras
5 - glowlight tetras
1 - rosey barb
4- albino coreys
1 - neon dwarf rainbow
1 - rainbow albino shark
1- sinapore flower shrimp
1 - Flying fox (true one)
So as you can see i'm not running with too much livestock, i'd like to get alot more neons.. i dont know i'm a sucker for them, i love the glowlights, as you can see from my previous pictures they are just georgious i think anyways..
I am hoping within the next month or two to get rid of the pleco i have and replace him with a Albino brushnose pleco and a Royal Pleco. I'd also like to get a couple of schooling exotic fish but have no made up my mind at all.
I had some riccia shipped from supercoley but unfortunately it didnt make it (long distance from the UK to Canada) so i'm still searching for some as we speak aswell as some dwarf hairgrass, i really want to fil up the rest of the substrate with it so i think i gotta make a trip down into vancouver.
Anyways here's the pictures, you can see the surface skimmer in some of the pictures aswell.