Substrate For Cherry Shrimp


Fish Crazy
Mar 1, 2011
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Hello all,

I am planning a low tech, low maintenance 2.5 gallon, heavily planted shrimp tank for my desk. The plan is to have a small colony of red cherry shrimp and a nerite snail that I can switch into my main tank now and then for a spring clean.

I have read that the red cherry shrimps coloring responds to substrate [as well as food and heath, etc&.] and that darker substrates mean richer colored shrimp. To guarantee [as well as possible that is] that they are as red as possible, what sort of substrate would you recommend? Should I actually use black? [Most of it will be covered by plants anyway.] Also, is sand or small gravel better for shrimp? [I intend to do a dry start with potting soil and I don't want to build up gas pockets underneath.]

Thanks. I hope to order the plants tonight and have everything planted this weekend!
Hello all,

I am planning a low tech, low maintenance 2.5 gallon, heavily planted shrimp tank for my desk. The plan is to have a small colony of red cherry shrimp and a nerite snail that I can switch into my main tank now and then for a spring clean.

I have read that the red cherry shrimps coloring responds to substrate [as well as food and heath, etc&.] and that darker substrates mean richer colored shrimp. To guarantee [as well as possible that is] that they are as red as possible, what sort of substrate would you recommend? Should I actually use black? [Most of it will be covered by plants anyway.] Also, is sand or small gravel better for shrimp? [I intend to do a dry start with potting soil and I don't want to build up gas pockets underneath.]

Thanks. I hope to order the plants tonight and have everything planted this weekend!

I think black would be brilliant, as my white gravel had made my cherry shrimp almost translucent! :lol:
Hello all,

I am planning a low tech, low maintenance 2.5 gallon, heavily planted shrimp tank for my desk. The plan is to have a small colony of red cherry shrimp and a nerite snail that I can switch into my main tank now and then for a spring clean.

I have read that the red cherry shrimps coloring responds to substrate [as well as food and heath, etc&.] and that darker substrates mean richer colored shrimp. To guarantee [as well as possible that is] that they are as red as possible, what sort of substrate would you recommend? Should I actually use black? [Most of it will be covered by plants anyway.] Also, is sand or small gravel better for shrimp? [I intend to do a dry start with potting soil and I don't want to build up gas pockets underneath.]

Thanks. I hope to order the plants tonight and have everything planted this weekend!

I am using specific shrimp substrate made by Fluval. My shrimp love it and are breeding like mad. It's small, round, black pellets. Just to make you aware though, it does change the pH. Mine went from 7.8 to 7.0. Also, you cannot gravel vac it or disturb it too much because it breaks down easily. You will also have to replace it after a year or so. It's really great for shrimp breeding and for keeping more sensitive varieties but if you don't want to worry about the maintenance of it, I would suggest getting some fine black gravel or sand. Any dark back round or substrate will make the shrimps colours pop. Black substrate is good too because you will be able to see if you have any planaria, as they are more noticeable. You definitely want to be aware if you have planaria in a shrimp tank as they can harm your shrimp.

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