Styrofoam Not Covering The Entire Base

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Jun 13, 2005
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Hey :) I bought a brand new tank from my lps. it's 9g and a 'bay front' shape ( One of the 'sides' hasn't quite got itself supported with the styrofoam... I'd say there's about a 2cm gap between the styrofoam and the edge of the base.

Should I be concerned? I've been reading all afternoon about support for the base etc and although its not a huge tank it's still going to be filled with heavy water...

Is there anything else I can use to wedge in that corner? I haven't got any styrofoam but I have got hobby fill that I could stuff in there.

Thanks heaps and heaps!
I don't use styrofoam under any of my tanks, but you could use the fill to bridge the gap. With my tanks, I fill them half way with a new setup, then take a piece of stiff card and see if I can fit it anywhere between the stand & base. You will find any gaps this way.

Most all of my tanks are designed with the bottom raised slightly & supported by the perimeter. This keeps the bottom from touching, and avoids the situation of some larger unnoticed particle putting pressure between the stand & bottom. This gives around 2 pounds of weight per linear inch on the perimeter of a 10 gallon, around 4 1/2 pounds on a 55. If more than an inch or 2 is unsupported, I shim with some card.

Thanks! :)

I just wedged a piece of chux in there. The gap is more like 1cm if that upon closer inspection. haha.

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