
With all this talk of sturgoen I though I might share a couple of pics with you people. I was in Oregon recently on a holiday and I took a trip to see the Bonneville fish hatchery. They have recently developed a new natural aquarium for their breeding sturgeon. Needless to say I was well impressed with the size of the fish! Herman is the largest in the tank

I copied and pasted his bio's from the web site. But the pics are mine.

Herman is an (approximately) 11 foot long, 500 pound, 70 year old white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) who resides at the Bonneville Fish Hatchery at the mouth of Tanner Creek on the Oregon side of the Columbia River.

The other fish in the tank are rainbow trout.







The european (uk) sturgeon is both fresh/salt water, much like the salmon or seatrout. It breeds in fresh water but returns to the sea to feed and return to breeding condition.

Those of you from the uk and want to know more about the history of sturgeon in the uk this link is a fairly good read. Sturgeon

Now that's what I call an aquarium :hyper: :hyper: .

very nice photos, Its nice to see pics of them in as near to wild conditions as possible.
Sorry, but i had to share this story :D

I live right on the st. croix river, between minnesota and wisconson. They had problems building the I-94 highway, because scuba divers had to go to the bottom of the river to help set supports for the bridge. The sturgeons at the bottom of the river where attracted to the lights the divers used under water. They eventually had to hire more experienced divers, because a lot of them refused to dive because the sturgeons would bumb into the divers and scare them :lol: . Our sturgeons are lake strugeons which reach between 5-7 feet.

Ok i'm done now.
lmao you all are argunig over sturgeons...


sturgeon are ANADROMUS fishes. like salmon, they migrate up the rivers to spawn but do live some part of their life in the ocean unless they are landlocked.

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