

I know you agree
Mar 1, 2004
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Calgary Alberta,
Alright I'm not getting one

But wander if anyone here has, also what size tank do you need for one of these, they are about two feet and I think 350 dollars at one of my lfs'.
Dangerousdan said:
Loads of different varierties many cold water. One tropical spieces gets 39ft

i don't know exactly why, but i am totally creeped out by any fish big enough to eat me in one bite. :sick:
hmm, on the safe side, i'd say a 600 gallon tank! dude, i'm freakin afraid of those! i mean, sure, i can go swimming in some parts of the mississippi river, but i still freak out when i'm swimming cause i always think they are gonna bite me! :crazy:

*runs to a corner and huddles up, rocking back and forth telling my self sturgeons can't eat me, sturgeons can't eat me*
pica_nuttalli said:
i don't know exactly why, but i am totally creeped out by any fish big enough to eat me in one bite. :sick:

Not even a bite, just a gulp. :p
*screams* runs and hides. can they really eat u in a gulp? i know ur kiddn but still...
They do get bigger than this.

They have quite a funny mouth action but when a 3ft sturgeon sucks your finger in it kind of creeps you out the first time.

Sturgeon are really nice though, the one that coldwater species that gets to 30 odd foot is Huso Huso the true sturgeon.

Honestly i seriously doubt the claim of 39ft. Since the largest sturgeon ever recorded was found in russia and was 27 feet long and estimated at over 200 years old.

I fish for sturgeon. White Sturgeon have been known to exceed 20'. The largest sturgeon I have personally seen is 13'3" which I caught 5 years ago. I have heard people speak of 17 footers in the columbia river. I have hooked one i would sweat topped 15 feet but i could never verify it as it finally broke me off after 6 hours.

Green sturgeon are much smaller and tend not to get much above 6 feet in my experience but they could grow larger.

Beluga sturgeon.. Caviar (sp) are said to get near 20'.

the sturgeon in your lfs are most likely Acipenser Ruthenus or Sterlet Sturgeon. Native to the caspian sea and endangered. They are however raised and traded elsewhere and are legal to trade in the US. However i have my worries considering the possible contamination of native sturgeon waters here. The Sterlet grows to 4' in length and is not in my opinion suitable for a fish tank due to it's enormous size.

It may also be a shovelnose sturgeon which top out at around 2 feet, Though i am not sure if they are traded as pets.

Secondly there are no Tropical Sturgeon. Sturgeon are similar to Steelhead in that they live in the ocean and return to freshwater to spawn. (the majority of them, not all) Sturgeon live in North America, Europe, and Asia.
dude, are those pictures really sturgeons, why the heck would you want one of those in your tank they r like scary.
Those are real sturgeon but as Rivermud76 said, there are several species. IMO none of them are suitable to anything short of a pond or pond sized aquarium though.

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