Stupid Snake...


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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Thread regarding Vakasa (she finally got a name):

We finally made it to the vet on Monday for a checkup. She missed her first appointment Friday because she escaped her container (I forgot to plug up the airhole with a paper towel) and hid under the seat in my car, up in the mechanical bits where I couldn't get her out. Luckily she crawled out after I got back to the apartment and was in the crease of the seat when I found her, and the trip wasn't a total loss since Petri (my parrotlet) still had to get his beak trimmed anyway.

ANYWHO, after waiting for an hour (there were a lot of work-in emergencies, apparently), the vet finally saw us. Vakasa is the sweetest little girl EVER and I've been handling her a lot without her even thinking of biting, but I read online that this species doesn't like being restrained behind the neck.... well, apparently this is true. The vet went to grab her to check inside her mouth, and as soon as he reached for her neck she swung around and bit him. Then again. And again. Yes, three times did she bite him, and nearly a forth when they were using a tongue compressor to pin her down while they grabbed her. Finally she was diagnosed -- a respiratory infection, like I suspected. $86 and two hours of my life later, and we have to go back 4 more times for 4 more shots to be administered... goody! :p She ended up being a very expensive snake indeed; hopefully the shop I got her from will at least give me some store credit once I let them know what's up, they're usually pretty good about that and she definitely already had this problem when I got her. Oh well, she is worth it. The vet and vet techs (3 in all were involved in restraining her and giving her her shot) said they'd never seen her species before, and the vet had been working with exotics for 15 years! Not a rare snake, but rare in the hobby here, it would seem.
:lol: Bet the vets won't want to see her again.
They're having the techs give her her shots, haha! It's not so bad now that they know what sets her off.
Haha, I have three snakes and when I am handling them I make a point of touching their head and restraining them in that way. Not enough to seriously annoy them but especially with th boa when he is eight long I would like to able to check him out properly i f something was wrong with out getting bitten.

Beautiful snake by the way actually looked into getting one as my first snake but decided on the corn.
This species is known for their poor reaction to restraint behind the head, apparently. There's no doing it without seriously annoying her.... hell, she gets annoyed if she even thinks you might be trying to grab her there! Sometimes she'll jerk back if she accidentally hits her own head on my arm while I'm handling her, and Thursday when she got her second shot she tried to bite the tech before he ever touched her, he was just reaching for her neck. Before that she had just been sitting on my hand calmly.

However, she got away from me in the office and I grabbed her by her middle and held on. She wiggled all over the place and struggled to get away, but never even thought to bite. Just goes to show it's where you restrain her that matters to her, not that you are restraining her. :dunno: She's an odd snake.
Look who finally ate :wub:
Aww bless, You know that feeling where you just have to have one. I bet he reptile shop could get me one,lol

After seeing your pics I really want one which is strange as I am much more into the boids.

However I could happily house one of these in a two foot vivarium I am about to have free. If I got my hand on a jungle carpet python It would cost me a fortune to house. I think I may look into one. I jsut can't help myself.
so cool photo. is it dangerous with us? i'm scared. Thx for pix

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